Monday, September 21, 2015

Politically Incorrect Solutions, Part One: In defense of Racial Slurs:

Politically Incorrect Solutions, Part One: In defense of Racial Slurs:

Obviously, when some one is called either a spick, a nigger, a kike, or a bitch, the term is not used to refer to an entire group of people, but it is meant to EXCLUDE that member FROM that group. The existence of a negative term implies a positive corollary; this is a way of saying that the person is DISTINCT from a Mexican American, African American, Jew, or Woman/Lady. Admittedly, Hegelian Marxists will cringe at the thought of a “Dominator Class” assigning labels of greater or lesser worth to members of the minority class. Yet when we recognise as was demonstrated by Deleuze and many intellectuals in the wake of Deconstruction (and to exclude Deleuze, silencing him, on the basis that he meets the Dominator stereotype is a blatant form of reactionary patriarchy akin to the way that the Nazis vilified the Jews by pedestalisation) that every man (and woman, implicitly) is a minority, the Hegelian game of flipping the tables, racing to the bottom to see who is really in charge, ends.
The essentialism based on group is practical insofar as the accused person IDENTIFIES WITH the group and uses that identity – usually a ‘minority identity’ – to justify poor behaviour. It is not an attitude of domineering but of justice, for as Camus said the slave begins by demanding freedom and ends by demanding a crown. In other words, Fascism tends to exploit history in order to bring a “victim group” to power. The Germans blamed the Jews, as Neo-Nazis still do, in order to justify their assault, and the Jews in turn blamed the Palestinians.
 Terms like cholo and Uncle Tom are used by members OF a group to exclude members from it. Other racial slurs are used by members of the out-group to perform the same exclusion. This is their right, for the in-group poses as much a threat to the out-group as vice versa, at least in theory. (And theory is all that we have to go by. If we have a fair theory that we can conform to, even if only symbolically, our mutual conformity in this case should lead us along the arduous road away from egoism and towards peace.)


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