Saturday, September 12, 2015



I wonder if you have ever noticed that if one is totally marginalised and power-less one does not get far with violence. The slightest lack of social tact can very quickly lose you allies and gain you enemies. So what have genuinely dis-enfranchised minorities done to cope over the course of human history? They cultivated politeness and poise.
It would terrify their masters, for you cannot truly hate on a passively aggressive gentleman. He is the perfect slave; you would never want to lose or sell him. And so the master confronts one's own soul and the creeping suspicion that may be just May be what he is doing is Wrong.

Genuinely under-privileged people learn quickly to mind their manners and to turn the other cheek. This was why Nietzsche considered the Judeo-Christian ethic a 'slave morality'. (The Jews and the early Christians, contrary to contemporary common sense, especially given the State of Israel and the Vatican, were slave people.) People in the one-down class do NOT go about screaming the racial slurs they were charged with ironically as terms of power. That can only happen when the slave becomes the Master and attains the position of power. Have you never noticed that strength (of violence) is all ways in numbers? And history proves that the shoe tends to end up on the other foot frequently. The Jews use the Holocaust to justify the annihilation of the Palestinian people. The Christian Church becomes for several centuries the most power full political and ideological force in Europe, even spilling over onto other continents. The Greeks have a word for this: Enanteodromia. Conversion into the opposite. The camel goes the other way. The shoe is on the other foot.

For those of you who ever bothered to read neo-Nazi rhetoric, it is really fascinating. The way that the Nazis justify their villification of the Jews is in the same way as Watts described the Christian marginalisation of Jesus: irrelevance by pedestalisation. In the Neo-Nazi case, the claim is that the Jews run the world. They cite predominantly Wall Street bankers and University Intellectuals as evidence for this. Political Correctness its self is considered a Semitic invention, a ploy to force us all into the politeness of a slave. Why does this horse appeal to so many members of the Nazi Party? Well, it is obvious, isn't it? I mean -- Empirically Jews are the Master Class, right? What does THEIR word count for? THEY run things!

And I am thank full. I have to tell you. I am THANK full to know that I would be met with such praise and idealism if I were, say, in Greece in the present day. But THANK fully I do not have to even go so far as Golden Dawn Greece to see Fascism at work and to be totally silenced, marginalised by pedestalisation, sequestered in the most oppressive social class, the suburbs, where I am further villified by my straight-laced neighbours. That is because the United States has its own Minorities-turned-Masters, and so it has its own Fascist rhetoric. Where in Europe I would be a dirty dominator Jew, in the Americas I am a 'privileged white male.'


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