Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to tell a Manipulator from a Gentleman. (or Lady.*)

How to tell a Manipulator from a Gentleman. (or Lady.*)

The thing about manipulative people is that they will call you out on your “contradictions”, but if you play close attention you shall notice that MOST of them do not take stock of their OWN contradistinctions. They never match the description that you have intuitively of a ‘consistent’ person; THEIR project is just to bring you down to THEIR level by pretending you to be there all ready. Yet it invariably involves a SHRINKING of your conscious personality AWAY from your deeper spiritual goals, which you know to be sacred. They try to convince you that these deep intuitions are the work of the Devil: that they are the thoughts of tyrants and serial killers. But REASON demonstrates that those villains are either the products of a corrupt society, or they are the extreme FORM of some thing that is but PART of your deeper self. Mean while EXPERIENCE demonstrates that quite apart from these inklings leading you astray they lead you into camaraderie with like-minded people, but not of a conformist nature but an individuated one. These other rebels too have what the manipulative critic s lack: they are ACCOUNTABLE. They do not merely RATIONALISE their behaviour, as do the manipulators who, true to the form of hypocrites, accuse you too of hypocrisy, leveling your ethics to just pure rationalization as well whilst not apologizing for their own. The truly ACCOUNTABLE people do not find fault with your inconsistencies, for they too see the underlying order, and what is miraculous is that they too arrived at it by INDEPENDENT means, suggesting that the Truth you share with them transcends the limitations of the corrupt social narrative and the manipulative ways in which this disease is transmitted.


*Of course the parenthetical is meant to appease the feminists, though true to form manipulators will not find this to be enough, and nor will people who innocently follow a manipulative ideology. To them I say: Look. You are not parenthetical. But I am not obligated to represent you in every thing overtly. Much of what is intuitive implicitly involves you. To be too explicit is to be patriarchal, forgetting what is intuitive.

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