Thursday, October 1, 2015

On Error and Perfection.

Invitation towards Deliverance:

It must hurt for a perfectionist to admit that she has made a missed take. Especially to one who has not. Now, that claim towards perfection might appear absurd. But in truth perfection is easy to those who seek it. There are only a few temptations in life. All the minutia that usually pass for miss takes are just playings betwixt Order and Chaos.
But I suppose that a more liberal theory would be that you have made your first true error. And from this point forth you shall never err again. But only if you learn from the error. And that involves a paradox. You must accept that perfection is impossible. And so paradoxically your error was that you believed your self to be perfect. You thought that you were justified in your miss take because it might bring you towards the Perfection that you coveted.
And from this point forth you shall not hurt an other towards that end again. And what would have been miss takes will prove to be justified departures. All you do will be Perfect, for you made that error that concluded perfection. But to embrace this you have only to confront the paradox in one more form:
That you ADMIT that what I suffered was not necessary.


So what follows dialectically is a perfection the likes of which you would accuse me of pretending towards.
For when you ask me to admit I too have erred I simply say: No. For even admitting my pursuit of perfection to have been an error I have failed to learn the lesson that one cannot err. And yet one does err. But there is no reason to believe that Life accords with the Law of Non-Contradiction. Rather it was as you had said: paradox is a sigh of relief. For in truth and in sooth you HAD erred by hurting me. That can be forgiven but not pardoned, and it was substantial enough to be called an Error. But I never committed such an error. I only pursuited per chance once the same Goal. But how came I here? I remember not. I maintain my initial claim.


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