Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Rape of Authenticity.

I.                    There can be no discernment betwixt form and structure.
II.                  The academics may not be trying to steal my work but they are trying to sabotage it from envy.
III.                Every thing new defies the old structures.
IV.                When a professor tells a student to alter the format of a piece he is compelling the student to change the piece its self. He is trying to subsume the student’s budding Order to the Will of the professor.
V.                  Ideas are the products of confluences of creatively random patterns.
a.       Each philosopher has a distinct model of thought.
                                                               i.      Hegel: Dialectic.
                                                             ii.      Nietzsche: Forms of the Will.
                                                            iii.      Plato: Forms.
                                                           iv.      Kant: Categories.
                                                             v.      Hume: Syntheses.
                                                           vi.      Sartre: Perspectives.
                                                          vii.      Heidegger: Circular reasonings and BACK GROUND.
                                                        viii.      Camus: Dynamic Tension.
b.      Each Artist has a distinct STYLE:
                                                               i.      Picasso: Cubism.
                                                             ii.      Coltrane: Jazz.
                                                            iii.      James Joyce: Stream of Consciousness.
c.       Each individual has a distinct YOGA:
                                                               i.      Hindu Chakra system.
                                                             ii.      Christian view.
                                                            iii.      Taoism.
d.      All of the Above are Structures that influence one an other. They are all so PATTERNS OF STRUCTURE.
VI.                Interference on the part of the Structuralist imposes an egoic model rather than an INSPIRED model.
a.       Ideas are created by language.
b.      By limiting language one restricts IDEAS.
c.       The Remote Control.
                                                               i.      Irony: It rests upon the desk. The protagonist picks it up randomly and turns on the television. What follows is a scene that relates synchronistically to the protagonist’s life.
1.       Richard Linklater.
                                                             ii.      Drama: It has to attract the viewer’s attention. It was tossed against a wall, suggesting a traumatic scene from the writer’s back-ground.
1.       Christopher Nolan.
VII.              All students should adopt a spirit of DEFIANCE in the face of all STRUCTURAL AUTHORITY. The alternative is the swiftest bridge to Fascism that I can imagine.
VIII.            Trauma: The young man or woman learns to distrust and defy all authority. Tries to escape society. Gets captured by Psychiatric Health Nazis. Living Hell.
IX.                Solidarity with class mates becomes impossible so long as there is a monarch they report to.
X.                  Authenticity is raped.


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