Friday, October 23, 2015

Reminiscence: Once the public was stupid.

Once the public was stupid. And it relied upon a few sages to be guarded against tyrants. Now the public is just wise ENOUGH that they cannot tell sages FROM tyrants.
So the sages have been fore-gotten. Their wisdom does not surpass that of their own well-being. They can collaborate and conspire towards the good of the community, but no special privileges are afforded them. They must all ways express their selves in the language of the public in order to be understood. And never are they granted power, lest they become the tyrants they are miss-taken for. Yet in this way the most ardent of public figures, the manipulators, the politicians, gain access in the same way as the sages do, and the two compete under the table.
The advent of the internet was a necessary evil and a precarious stepping stone. In the past the people relied upon a few to help defend them from the other few, and the people who could gain direct admittance to this wisdom were their selves few.
Now the people cannot tell one minority from the other, and secrets can no longer be kept. All are available to have their carcasses picked apart until only the bones remain, and no witch doctors specializing in bones are to be availed in order that the bones’ origin be determined. So we live in the shadow of false prophets. The clever manipulators know enough history to recall those who had abused the Word of the Spirit to their own worldly ends. The few who are born gifted can barely tell even how these charlatans were confused for sages, or worse how sages ARE now confused for these charlatans. But that is because those who are privileged by nature, perhaps old souls, were all ways few. And usually and tragically they never spoke the common language of surface appearances. Semblance never haunted them, but what did haunt them was the tendency for their worldly rooted peers to be miss-led by semblance.
At an earlier time these few, under the tutelage of seasoned shamans, and driven by nerve and a bleeding heart, would grow to transmute their suffering pity into an instrument for change. But our temples are ransacked by profit. The stones remain but they have lost their mystical resonance. The words remain but they no longer retain their mythological reference. And the sages still walk the earth, but in the public’s blind eye they have lost their relevance.
And I should note that all was obscured by SEMBLANCE. In so far as I condemn the spiritually blind I bear a false kinship to those who condemn the materially blind. So the progressives have inherited the confusion of the Nazis, and I am charged with the same stupidity. In fact, I am not only coerced to accept it but to Adopt it. Yet I refuse.


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