Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Victim's Manual:

The Victim's Manual:

The first step is admitting one's own victimhood. Once that is established all other deductions can follow. Accusations made of one's being histrionic will not hold for they contradict the initial claim: The inciting fact.
A generous and logical audience will agree that to contradict the initial premise is risky. But with a corrupt and ungenerous audience there can be no hope of concluding one's reasoning with out rude interjection.
And this is because an

audience that abuses the name of Skepticism in the name (the unspoken name) of Ignorance will take every initial conclusion (for as Life must be understood back-words so it is that we must convey our reasonings, often, point-
first, beginning with the thesis.) to be a merely tentative premise that warrants its self. So be it.
If the tentative premise were a man, or any other animal, a Circular Reasoning would

be a Miracle of Self-Determination.

II. From the established fact that one is a victim, the first step along the road to liberation,
follows the conclusion that there are false victims. They may be called histrionic.
They are parasites who accuse their hosts of being parasitic.
They are oppressors who pre-
tend to be oppressed. How one can deduce this is that now that one can see one's own victimhood to be a source of psychic fact it is clear that this psychic fact has spillt over

upon others by the force of projection. Yet who initiated this development? The subjects their selves, when they rained blows upon the true victim and yelled for him to stop abusing them.

III. But now one can discern them from the true victims: One's true kin. For many of this kin never pretended towards victimhood, much to one's pain. And the rest were given a good name by these silent ones.

Why are they innocent by association? Because one found in dealing with the silent soldiers some thing profound: That one's deductions depended more upon one's own objectivity than upon some other's subjectivity.
In fact: The very intrusion that the histrionics tried to make by blaming the victim is thus seen to have been a symptom and a part of the same abuse. It sounds

Solipsistic to believe one's self to be the solitary sufferer. Yet when one owns this as a fact,
that one is a victim and only knows of the victim-
hood of others by pro-
jection and delusion, it paradoxically becomes possible then to see other victims by a kind of re-
fined objectivity.
Solipsism self-transcends; a leap of faith into the depths of what looks like Solipsism produces NOT isolation but community.

And the TRUE enemy has been identified.

The act was one of Benevolent Objectification. And so we see our tentative premise becoming its own conclusion. But why not say that it was a Conclusion whose tail led us to deeper tales? The point was not the circle but what its area contained:
A perfect picture of the flowing of Power.


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