Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Company of Strangers:

The Company of Strangers:

It was a restaurant I didn’t know.
With people that I had not met.
I did not plan that day to go
Though come what may I won’t forget.

And they had played upon the stereo
Some music that I can’t recall.
And I just barely even tried
The alcohol.

But it was the best day of my life.
The breast of a much loving wife.
And as we made our way back home.
I no longer felt alone.

In the company of total strangers
I am most at-home with danger.
No one telling what to do.
Because they have that faith in you.

So when you tell me what to do
And tell me not to judge.
As though I trudged about devout
And you did not possess this grudge.

I know you don’t know what you talk about.
For all ways trying to control.
You just defy the social norms
Only to save your soul.

Because when I’m with total strangers
I am most at-home with danger.
No one telling what to do.
Because they trust that I’ll stay true.

But since your lust-full ways are lawless lies.
Then I must have to compromise
This primordial trust and say
I’ve lost this faith in you.

I never told you what to do
But only held you to your word.
And only saw the best in you.
And only tested the Absurd.

At the behest of this I lost
But it will not be I who counts the cost.
I’m dry and all the frost has melted.
Alibi cannot be pelted.

This is the best day of my life.
My best friend took a rusty knife
And tried to stab me in attack.
But now the world has my whole back.
I’m in the company of strangers.
And impervious to dangers.
I deserve this breast. This wife.
This is the best day of my life.


Friday, March 18, 2016


Trump is a plutocrat. Plutocracy -- government by the rich -- is an amoral authoritarian system, even worse in principle than a totalitarian one with good intentions. It is easy to expose a hypocrisy, but not to depose blatant aggression.
The job of government is not to regulate money but to serve people. This may involve the regulation of people at times. So be it; the argument is simply semantic. "Serving" money would at any rate, if we are to level, be the worst of all possible aims. Money is an abstraction. it is not a resource. It is a representation of resources. It is not a service or a being. It is a system of control.
The people who support Trump tend to be ultra-right Fascists, uneducated farmers, aspiring young business-people, and conservative Christians whose minds are still-stuck in the McCarthy era of anti-Leftism.
1. Ultra-right Fascists like him because he vows to rid their nation of minorities who are perceived as an "objective threat" to the over-all economy, despite their immediate material needs and benefits on a smaller scale. They would love to have a charismatic leader to speak for them, negotiating on their behalf. the authoritarianism of such a merger of corporate and state power does not at all bother them. These people tend to frequent the Politics Board of websites like 4chan.
2. Uneducated farmers like him because he echoes the prejudices of their up-bringing in a fashion that endears him to them by virtue of an irrational prejudice. Figures. Many of them probably do not even know what projection is. Even the most “literate” farmer I have ever met knew nothing of psychology.
3. Young business people think of the country as a business. This is madness. Any merger of business and politics has all ways been oppressive. Mussolini himself defined Fascism as a merger of corporate and state power. It would be cute if you could operate the country in such a fashion. But at one point or an other one realises that one has to surrender control in order to honor others and their needs. Sanders has a long-standing history of championing the needs of people. Trump has no such history. He has all ways served his self. He is only an idol to people who are likewise interested in serving their selves. Many of them might be good people who see the ruthlessness of the competitive market-place as simply a necessary evil towards the perpetuation of good business. They like to poke holes in things like socialism because they do not see their own contributions to its failings and do not wish to take responsibility for it. As I have said: any merger of business and politics is oppressive. Communism in its purest sense eliminates business all together, replacing the abstraction of profit with material needs as its main goal. It has only gone wrong where it failed to eliminate the monetary system. Such limitations as it faced are however now archaic.*
4. Conservative Christians like Trump because he represents the judeo-christian ethic of the self-made man. Their religion is based entirely in the cession of authority to a messianic figure. Trump fits the bill, even if they will not admit this to be sacrilege.
They all so hate Sanders because they do not want to admit that the status quo has every problem that they ascribe to Communism and Socialism, with the exception that they are not obligated by State to be any thing but greedy. That responsibility remains with the Church, who have no motive to really preach generosity either.
Oh, and they do not see why it is imperative to try some thing even if it has failed in the ostensible past.
All in all, only the ignorant ego would favour Trump. And this is empowered by a loss of faith in radical social change by a generation of people who have information but not wisdom. Dm.
*There is one further problem to the business mentality. People think we owe money to China. It is no stretch of the post-modern imagination to see the joke of the matter here. Money is not backed by any thing any more. The gold standard is dead. The Federal Reserve could theoretically pay off all our debts to China. Since it would be going abroad it would not affect our inflation. China would simply have more spending power in the world market. (As Lao Tzu would say: the sacrificial feast.) It could buy more of our goods, and any good, theoretically, but no one is obligated to sell that good to it. So that money would not have to return to U.S. circulation, and its value would not be depreciated by the sudden presence of the money. Nationalists hate this. They want China to fall apart. It is really a weak power. It is supposed to be “moving towards” capitalism, but that notwithstanding Xi Jinping is as bad as Mao Tse Tong, and no: the move towards capitalism is not a reaction towards Xi but rather an extension of his policies. There is only one problem then: the National Reserve is a private bank. It is one of three that control our money.
People do not realize that money is a system of control. So they vote for a man who “knows how to make it”. But his deals are ruthless and would be insulting to the world powers. This is not a game of [M]onopoly. This is the world. To negotiate in international politics requires a sensitivity to the needs of different people in different cultures. Only bigots and dogmatists who hate other cultures would support a man like Trump. They are politicians who criticise “Multi-culturalism” like it’s just some neo-Liberal agenda and not a natural out-growth of the civilized human being becoming aware of its world on a larger scale.
Oh and yes. I agree with you that Hillary is a ¢un+. She can only be elected if the neo-liberals are stupid enough to elect based only on gender and if the rest of the population dismisses an honest politician just because he belongs to a political radicalism mainly unheard of in this day and age of imperial privilege. Dm.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Parasitic Farmer:

The Parasitic Farmer:

This still bothers me. Growing up I figured that the worst thing was to suffer something like starvation. No one had to tell me; it was just as simple an emotion as hunger. Imagine my shock when I learnt that we had the necessary resources to totally end this problem. In fact, we had had this since prior to my being-born! There was no reason that I should even have heard of so archaic a concept. So why did it endure? It must be an antiquated way of thinking. This barbaric self-entitlement. This notion that the fruits of one's labour are things to be proud of and not things to be surrendered to the world, for it was only by virtue of the world that these fruits could come through us. We are but links in a chain. If we fail to acknowledge it we erode and the chain breaks where we do so. So how does but one link try to avail its self of more than the support of the chain? What if not a parasitic organism could rob the land of its juice, demanding retribution? Of what use is freedom if one is free to be evil? Can a man be trusted who chooses evil as though there were no Actual Good? This fat farmer boy I met tried to play on some sort of egalitarian guilt that Americans carry, as though to be robbed of the opportunity to starve the world is in its self to be a slave. But by refusing to do his job for the greater good, if he truly feels called to be a farmer, he is just as evil as one who deliberately starves people by more aggressive means. In fact, he is worse even than that for so shamelessly receiving the fruits of his labour, professing that it is in human nature to desire some special privilege or advantage for one's tireless work. What privilege could be greater than the work its self?? What advantage would be greater than that of universal solidarity, peace, and full fillment? There could be no other calling to man's heart, no other motive for material life, and no more urgent responsibility!
I suppose that it has become fashionable to displace responsibility for ubiquitous facts upon whosoever happens to act as messenger for them. But what use is there in trying to reason with or preach to any one who makes one feel one's self to be a "responsible, autonomous agent"? This individualism is entirely illusory! It is but egoism, entirely divorced from the collective psyche that envelops the TRUE self! Would I not work to do my part to feed the world? It is an insult to my intuition to insist that I COULD. For I know that no job is available to me that has not all ready been corrupted by these leeches. Why should I take a leap of faith and trust in a man like this farmer boy? I would sooner see his belly cut open!
The only occupation available is the one that one's Deepest Self is truly called to. If men like these can speak so shamelessly and pretentiously then the problem is collective. We live amidst Fascists who like Nazis skew the Master-Slave dialectic in their own favour, posturing their selves as victims. And each day ignorance and greed threaten our moral sanctity. Each day we have to fight to work towards the greatest possible good.

So it is that my calling is surely to wake people up. There is no need to level. I cannot remove leeches from their land by force. So I shall coerce them by popular will. This of all is the least totalitarian approach, in fact. For it honors the True individual: the one who does not simply have a justification ready for each sin, but who is open to an entirely unique destiny that Father God and Mother Earth have made available to him.


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Pumpkyn Dream:

The Pumpkyn Dream:


I have decided to write this to you swiftly for time is of the essence. I should stress before-hand that were you more naturally generous my letter would not be either such an intrusion upon my own time nor would it be so rushed. But I suppose that if this analysis is its self a pre-requisite to your personal growth and thus, by extension, your now-latent generosity, it would be sense-less to complain. So let me come plainly:

Your Dream. The one you intimated to me the night that I bought Pizza for my co-workers to Joann Fabrics:

Symbol One: The Mountain.

The symbol represents Epistemology and analysis.

As a Virgo: you are prone towards over thinking. All your reasoning becomes tautological not simply because it is a circular appeal to authority but more subtly for the reason that it loses its sensory referent to material reality. As an Ne this is tremendously dangerous as a pre-disposition...

(The intuition is responsible for the predisposition. The extraversion is responsible for the Danger...)

A long and cyclical road to the start winds you up at the same Objectivity that you ran from into the fruitless game of Cartesian, Kantian self-doubt. Reality is imminent, as in our dialogue about Elliott it was only by virtue of a lack of interest that you had the less-informed opinion. You envied my objectivity and sought to call my own into question for lack of yours. If you had more courage you would possess such objectivity, for Reality is co-created and empathy and courage in concert produce an unmuddled and transparent view of the human predicament you might find your self in.

(Over analysis obscures this certainty.)

(So does a hidden self entitled misogyny.)

The Wizard's Stone (second symbol):

You are not a wizard.

Were you a wizard your element would be Earth. The element of Virgo.

Yet you are barred from objectivity spiritually by your own cancerous intellect. Your paralysis by analysis constricts you rather than constructing you.

The domineering tendencies of your skeptically regal parents has created this problem, fueled by a Virgo's natural inclinations towards thought over feeling.

You possess intuitive gifts that are wasted on false loyalties. Only your empathy can deliver you from this. But that requires courage as well.

Only then can you be a Wizard of the Earth, an enlightened Virgo, and a suburban Shaman.

The Phallic Centipede: retribution. You rape people in your dreams. As retribution you shall be raped by a dickpede...

This is only grimly a joke, humourous only to the extent that it is true...

Your patriarchal views on women, hidden under a persona that must by necessity contradict your true self, will put you in a room alone with a monster. But YOU are the monster, "bro". It is only whilst being assaulted by the centipede that you Wake Up. You do so by "doing drugs". It is actually an opening of your Third Eye, a coming-to-responsibility that shifts your intellectual focus from the rational mind to the intuitive mind.

Your dad: his making-out-with a young person does not so much reflect a literal pedophilia so much as his natural Leo tendency to interfere in your life and that of your friends "for their own good". You can sense that this is dangerous, but you are not in touch enough with your intuition that you might know precisely When and How to correct this tendency, not only in him, but all so in your self...

This contributes regretably to your latent patriarchy. The sight of your father is the last image your mind produces prior to your encounter with the dickpede. Understandably...

Symbol Five: the Carl's Jr. It was through no coincidence but rather fate that I visited the same place that you Kresten and I went to in our youth. This might have been the night that, at the old Denny's (now closed) Kresten said that we ought to "get bitches"...

Pizza. As Tony intuited: the most important aspect of life. Agrarian life at least. Anthony has been seeing mandalas recently. Integration. Love: the heart. The center of the kundalini. THAT is what Pizza is doing at Carl's Junior.

Applaud at will.

Rosh Hashana? Mazeltov.

Symbol Six: the car. Your independence. Taken apart by your desire to leave your center. Only after you leave the building does the pizza puzzle you. The externals bamboozle you. Carl's Junior? Pizza? What? But inside it is all the same. Yet you are too much of a positivist to see beyond the externals...

Tia's father: the patriarchal figure: a debtor. It is HE who compels you to leave the establishment. But he is nought but a mustachioed impostor. It is YOU who owns the place actually. But you fall asleep before you can realise it.

Ima call you Carl Junior from now on.

Sleep and meditation allow you to transcend space and time. These are intuitive acts.

But you are burdened by forgetfullness. You WANT to forget. You cannot recall your reasons for going to the place in the first place; you CHOOSE to forget, Andrew!

Symbol seven: hm...

The car. Your parents are driving. A failure to pay your illusory dues leads to a dependency upon your parents. You want to impress them with your girl friend. But it cannot work. Their heads are too swollen and she is not what she appears to be. She deliberately disguises her true self further in a petty attempt at power. You sever ties with her then. This was not a mere fear. It was a pre-monition. This was precisely what happened. And you defend her "right" to do this to this day. Dm.

That's about it. Seven is a good cap. The rest I have all ready explained. You want to join us as a mystik but you are diverted by self-created problems and complexes. At the point nearest the surface, you are going on an intellectual and cyclical miss-adventure in pursuit of that which you secretly have had from the beginning: a unique perspective...

Fear of rejection by your more enlightened friends compels you to cling to phonies. But they are all a dream-within-a-dream. Would either Kresten or Tony or I REALLY reject you for holding deviant views? LOOK at us! My quizzing you at the pizza parlour proved one crucial thing: we do not reject you. YOU reject US. And my heart tells me you do not truly wish to. Dmytri.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


One must have confidence that one might be truly humble. Arrogance is bred from insecurity, which in turn is re-enforced by arrogance. Yet when one is confident in one’s self one can more easily dissolve into the Other, whether that be by virtue of solidarity, in the case of the extravert, or faith, in the introvert’s case. Both are acts of trust. Faith is peculiar in that it is a subordination to some thing greater than one’s self, but that can only be managed if one is so secure in one’s self that the thought of defending this Greater Power is neither threatening nor compulsively stultifying to him.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016


In a way: Liberals comprise their own hate group. One whose intent is to hate all the other hate groups. And that I find most repugnant: a hateful hypocrite whose entire advocacy depends upon the perpetuation of some others’ hatred.

Self-confidence is a delusion of grandeur that others can potentially share in.
