Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Pumpkyn Dream:

The Pumpkyn Dream:

I have decided to write this to you swiftly for time is of the essence. I should stress before-hand that were you more naturally generous my letter would not be either such an intrusion upon my own time nor would it be so rushed. But I suppose that if this analysis is its self a pre-requisite to your personal growth and thus, by extension, your now-latent generosity, it would be sense-less to complain. So let me come plainly:

Your Dream. The one you intimated to me the night that I bought Pizza for my co-workers to Joann Fabrics:

Symbol One: The Mountain.

The symbol represents Epistemology and analysis.

As a Virgo: you are prone towards over thinking. All your reasoning becomes tautological not simply because it is a circular appeal to authority but more subtly for the reason that it loses its sensory referent to material reality. As an Ne this is tremendously dangerous as a pre-disposition...

(The intuition is responsible for the predisposition. The extraversion is responsible for the Danger...)

A long and cyclical road to the start winds you up at the same Objectivity that you ran from into the fruitless game of Cartesian, Kantian self-doubt. Reality is imminent, as in our dialogue about Elliott it was only by virtue of a lack of interest that you had the less-informed opinion. You envied my objectivity and sought to call my own into question for lack of yours. If you had more courage you would possess such objectivity, for Reality is co-created and empathy and courage in concert produce an unmuddled and transparent view of the human predicament you might find your self in.

(Over analysis obscures this certainty.)

(So does a hidden self entitled misogyny.)

The Wizard's Stone (second symbol):

You are not a wizard.

Were you a wizard your element would be Earth. The element of Virgo.

Yet you are barred from objectivity spiritually by your own cancerous intellect. Your paralysis by analysis constricts you rather than constructing you.

The domineering tendencies of your skeptically regal parents has created this problem, fueled by a Virgo's natural inclinations towards thought over feeling.

You possess intuitive gifts that are wasted on false loyalties. Only your empathy can deliver you from this. But that requires courage as well.

Only then can you be a Wizard of the Earth, an enlightened Virgo, and a suburban Shaman.

The Phallic Centipede: retribution. You rape people in your dreams. As retribution you shall be raped by a dickpede...

This is only grimly a joke, humourous only to the extent that it is true...

Your patriarchal views on women, hidden under a persona that must by necessity contradict your true self, will put you in a room alone with a monster. But YOU are the monster, "bro". It is only whilst being assaulted by the centipede that you Wake Up. You do so by "doing drugs". It is actually an opening of your Third Eye, a coming-to-responsibility that shifts your intellectual focus from the rational mind to the intuitive mind.

Your dad: his making-out-with a young person does not so much reflect a literal pedophilia so much as his natural Leo tendency to interfere in your life and that of your friends "for their own good". You can sense that this is dangerous, but you are not in touch enough with your intuition that you might know precisely When and How to correct this tendency, not only in him, but all so in your self...

This contributes regretably to your latent patriarchy. The sight of your father is the last image your mind produces prior to your encounter with the dickpede. Understandably...

Symbol Five: the Carl's Jr. It was through no coincidence but rather fate that I visited the same place that you Kresten and I went to in our youth. This might have been the night that, at the old Denny's (now closed) Kresten said that we ought to "get bitches"...

Pizza. As Tony intuited: the most important aspect of life. Agrarian life at least. Anthony has been seeing mandalas recently. Integration. Love: the heart. The center of the kundalini. THAT is what Pizza is doing at Carl's Junior.

Applaud at will.

Rosh Hashana? Mazeltov.

Symbol Six: the car. Your independence. Taken apart by your desire to leave your center. Only after you leave the building does the pizza puzzle you. The externals bamboozle you. Carl's Junior? Pizza? What? But inside it is all the same. Yet you are too much of a positivist to see beyond the externals...

Tia's father: the patriarchal figure: a debtor. It is HE who compels you to leave the establishment. But he is nought but a mustachioed impostor. It is YOU who owns the place actually. But you fall asleep before you can realise it.

Ima call you Carl Junior from now on.

Sleep and meditation allow you to transcend space and time. These are intuitive acts.

But you are burdened by forgetfullness. You WANT to forget. You cannot recall your reasons for going to the place in the first place; you CHOOSE to forget, Andrew!

Symbol seven: hm...

The car. Your parents are driving. A failure to pay your illusory dues leads to a dependency upon your parents. You want to impress them with your girl friend. But it cannot work. Their heads are too swollen and she is not what she appears to be. She deliberately disguises her true self further in a petty attempt at power. You sever ties with her then. This was not a mere fear. It was a pre-monition. This was precisely what happened. And you defend her "right" to do this to this day. Dm.

That's about it. Seven is a good cap. The rest I have all ready explained. You want to join us as a mystik but you are diverted by self-created problems and complexes. At the point nearest the surface, you are going on an intellectual and cyclical miss-adventure in pursuit of that which you secretly have had from the beginning: a unique perspective...

Fear of rejection by your more enlightened friends compels you to cling to phonies. But they are all a dream-within-a-dream. Would either Kresten or Tony or I REALLY reject you for holding deviant views? LOOK at us! My quizzing you at the pizza parlour proved one crucial thing: we do not reject you. YOU reject US. And my heart tells me you do not truly wish to. Dmytri.

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