Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Parasitic Farmer:

The Parasitic Farmer:

This still bothers me. Growing up I figured that the worst thing was to suffer something like starvation. No one had to tell me; it was just as simple an emotion as hunger. Imagine my shock when I learnt that we had the necessary resources to totally end this problem. In fact, we had had this since prior to my being-born! There was no reason that I should even have heard of so archaic a concept. So why did it endure? It must be an antiquated way of thinking. This barbaric self-entitlement. This notion that the fruits of one's labour are things to be proud of and not things to be surrendered to the world, for it was only by virtue of the world that these fruits could come through us. We are but links in a chain. If we fail to acknowledge it we erode and the chain breaks where we do so. So how does but one link try to avail its self of more than the support of the chain? What if not a parasitic organism could rob the land of its juice, demanding retribution? Of what use is freedom if one is free to be evil? Can a man be trusted who chooses evil as though there were no Actual Good? This fat farmer boy I met tried to play on some sort of egalitarian guilt that Americans carry, as though to be robbed of the opportunity to starve the world is in its self to be a slave. But by refusing to do his job for the greater good, if he truly feels called to be a farmer, he is just as evil as one who deliberately starves people by more aggressive means. In fact, he is worse even than that for so shamelessly receiving the fruits of his labour, professing that it is in human nature to desire some special privilege or advantage for one's tireless work. What privilege could be greater than the work its self?? What advantage would be greater than that of universal solidarity, peace, and full fillment? There could be no other calling to man's heart, no other motive for material life, and no more urgent responsibility!
I suppose that it has become fashionable to displace responsibility for ubiquitous facts upon whosoever happens to act as messenger for them. But what use is there in trying to reason with or preach to any one who makes one feel one's self to be a "responsible, autonomous agent"? This individualism is entirely illusory! It is but egoism, entirely divorced from the collective psyche that envelops the TRUE self! Would I not work to do my part to feed the world? It is an insult to my intuition to insist that I COULD. For I know that no job is available to me that has not all ready been corrupted by these leeches. Why should I take a leap of faith and trust in a man like this farmer boy? I would sooner see his belly cut open!
The only occupation available is the one that one's Deepest Self is truly called to. If men like these can speak so shamelessly and pretentiously then the problem is collective. We live amidst Fascists who like Nazis skew the Master-Slave dialectic in their own favour, posturing their selves as victims. And each day ignorance and greed threaten our moral sanctity. Each day we have to fight to work towards the greatest possible good.

So it is that my calling is surely to wake people up. There is no need to level. I cannot remove leeches from their land by force. So I shall coerce them by popular will. This of all is the least totalitarian approach, in fact. For it honors the True individual: the one who does not simply have a justification ready for each sin, but who is open to an entirely unique destiny that Father God and Mother Earth have made available to him.


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