Friday, March 18, 2016


Trump is a plutocrat. Plutocracy -- government by the rich -- is an amoral authoritarian system, even worse in principle than a totalitarian one with good intentions. It is easy to expose a hypocrisy, but not to depose blatant aggression.
The job of government is not to regulate money but to serve people. This may involve the regulation of people at times. So be it; the argument is simply semantic. "Serving" money would at any rate, if we are to level, be the worst of all possible aims. Money is an abstraction. it is not a resource. It is a representation of resources. It is not a service or a being. It is a system of control.
The people who support Trump tend to be ultra-right Fascists, uneducated farmers, aspiring young business-people, and conservative Christians whose minds are still-stuck in the McCarthy era of anti-Leftism.
1. Ultra-right Fascists like him because he vows to rid their nation of minorities who are perceived as an "objective threat" to the over-all economy, despite their immediate material needs and benefits on a smaller scale. They would love to have a charismatic leader to speak for them, negotiating on their behalf. the authoritarianism of such a merger of corporate and state power does not at all bother them. These people tend to frequent the Politics Board of websites like 4chan.
2. Uneducated farmers like him because he echoes the prejudices of their up-bringing in a fashion that endears him to them by virtue of an irrational prejudice. Figures. Many of them probably do not even know what projection is. Even the most “literate” farmer I have ever met knew nothing of psychology.
3. Young business people think of the country as a business. This is madness. Any merger of business and politics has all ways been oppressive. Mussolini himself defined Fascism as a merger of corporate and state power. It would be cute if you could operate the country in such a fashion. But at one point or an other one realises that one has to surrender control in order to honor others and their needs. Sanders has a long-standing history of championing the needs of people. Trump has no such history. He has all ways served his self. He is only an idol to people who are likewise interested in serving their selves. Many of them might be good people who see the ruthlessness of the competitive market-place as simply a necessary evil towards the perpetuation of good business. They like to poke holes in things like socialism because they do not see their own contributions to its failings and do not wish to take responsibility for it. As I have said: any merger of business and politics is oppressive. Communism in its purest sense eliminates business all together, replacing the abstraction of profit with material needs as its main goal. It has only gone wrong where it failed to eliminate the monetary system. Such limitations as it faced are however now archaic.*
4. Conservative Christians like Trump because he represents the judeo-christian ethic of the self-made man. Their religion is based entirely in the cession of authority to a messianic figure. Trump fits the bill, even if they will not admit this to be sacrilege.
They all so hate Sanders because they do not want to admit that the status quo has every problem that they ascribe to Communism and Socialism, with the exception that they are not obligated by State to be any thing but greedy. That responsibility remains with the Church, who have no motive to really preach generosity either.
Oh, and they do not see why it is imperative to try some thing even if it has failed in the ostensible past.
All in all, only the ignorant ego would favour Trump. And this is empowered by a loss of faith in radical social change by a generation of people who have information but not wisdom. Dm.
*There is one further problem to the business mentality. People think we owe money to China. It is no stretch of the post-modern imagination to see the joke of the matter here. Money is not backed by any thing any more. The gold standard is dead. The Federal Reserve could theoretically pay off all our debts to China. Since it would be going abroad it would not affect our inflation. China would simply have more spending power in the world market. (As Lao Tzu would say: the sacrificial feast.) It could buy more of our goods, and any good, theoretically, but no one is obligated to sell that good to it. So that money would not have to return to U.S. circulation, and its value would not be depreciated by the sudden presence of the money. Nationalists hate this. They want China to fall apart. It is really a weak power. It is supposed to be “moving towards” capitalism, but that notwithstanding Xi Jinping is as bad as Mao Tse Tong, and no: the move towards capitalism is not a reaction towards Xi but rather an extension of his policies. There is only one problem then: the National Reserve is a private bank. It is one of three that control our money.
People do not realize that money is a system of control. So they vote for a man who “knows how to make it”. But his deals are ruthless and would be insulting to the world powers. This is not a game of [M]onopoly. This is the world. To negotiate in international politics requires a sensitivity to the needs of different people in different cultures. Only bigots and dogmatists who hate other cultures would support a man like Trump. They are politicians who criticise “Multi-culturalism” like it’s just some neo-Liberal agenda and not a natural out-growth of the civilized human being becoming aware of its world on a larger scale.
Oh and yes. I agree with you that Hillary is a ¢un+. She can only be elected if the neo-liberals are stupid enough to elect based only on gender and if the rest of the population dismisses an honest politician just because he belongs to a political radicalism mainly unheard of in this day and age of imperial privilege. Dm.

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