Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Excluding the Middle: a Suggestion.

The mammalian mid-brain is predominantly useless. All that one requires are the reptilian hind brain and the rational mind. The former, which governs survival, is a prerequisite to life and therefore to value. The latter not only serves the former but enhances it, enriching life with virtue.

The case can be made that people who use the mammalian mid-brain are to the same extent sociopathic. Empathy has absolutely nothing to do with status, with “community”, or with the impersonal mechanics of “social cues” and “group dynamics”. Empathy is simply the direct perception of an other being’s feelings and needs. Coupled with rationality, it enables one to be an effective healer, discerning legitimate emotions from illegitimate emotions and needs from cravings.

Often narcissists must ask others about how they are feeling, not because they care (for they would not then have to ask), but rather because they DO NOT KNOW, so they MUST ASK in order to attain power. Empaths do not do this; they only ask to be polite, and by asking they alter the condition of what they examine.


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