Monday, August 6, 2018

The Magic FLEET:

Most of my magic happens at night.

In your sleep? Are you at least lucid?

Well: it’s like a video game. The better you get at it, the more you forget it isn’t real.

So you aren’t even lucid.

I can let that go.


I have had recurring dreams of the Great Voyage. It seems that this last night the Voyage was expanded to include a larger number of vessels, a great deal of whom were probably available to me when I first began this dream record in 2013. The symbolism is transparent to me now; the carriers are my CAREERS. Reading Joyce allows me to unriddle the manner in which dreams intrinsically use pun in order to convey a double-meaning. Ali, with his neurotic fixation upon post-structural philosophy, which I’d absorbed by force of psychic habit, but for which I feel no shame in disowning it with fleeting bitterness, transcending that cocoon and taking leave of that guest-house, would never have fathomed the TRUTH of Dreams Themselves because he was so self-identified with the ego of the artist who claims (in Leo fashion) that the products of his Unconscious Mind are His Own. They are only partially so. It is not that the ego alone conveys the tendencies of dreams through pun and collage, as in Finnegan’s Wake. It is that dreams themselves, as Joyce surely noted, speak in pun and double-meaning. It might have taken me five years to fathom (pun intended, though by whom?) but it is obvious to me now, for instance that the flying ships were Aircraft Carriers, and as aircraft themselves, a conveyance up into the Clouds, they were careers. The larger vessels were corporate, whereas the smaller ones were accessed through the misty black depths of Childhood; hence the jungle gym leads by some bridge to a ship that is all so DERIVED from its structure in the manner that a Church (transmuted into a classroom at San Diego State University, which would house an awards ceremony for a Debate tournament) can be salvaged from the bones of a dead ship. The wooden vessels are my entrepreneurial pursuits; the larger warcraft are the corporate means to finance this. They all comprise a common fleet.

Why was I so alone in dream last night? It can’t be too puzzling to unriddle. Tonight I close alone again. It is a dignity surpassing: a rite of passage that endowed me with record-breaking morning wood the following day, when despite a haze of exhaustion I was still proud to speak of my achievement to my Beloved.

Such is Life. It is a solitary quest, hopping from career to career, in pursuit of that Great North Shore: the North Node.

11:12 A.M.


The time is twelve minutes into the twelfth hour. The numbers are eleven and twelve: Aquarius and Pisces. I count my blessings quite literally upon this morning of the sixth day of the eighth month of the 2018th year after Christ.

It’s going to be a lovely day.


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