Monday, August 20, 2018



As the result of my ex-girlfriend’s moralizing tendencies, the degenerate doctrine that all is fair in love and war was forever lost to me. Moral perfectionism invariably leads one’s self away from competition and towards cooperation, even past the threshold that divides individuality from conformism. The thought of pursuing one’s life at the expense of an other life looms unthinkable and barbaric, so much so that one frowns upon the aggression predominant in men and idealizes the sensitivity and romanticism of women. It was only very recently that I became alert to an other, more lurid tendency that women themselves are possessed by: the tendency to make decisions entirely based upon irrational projections of personal happiness. Suddenly the entire spectrum of barbaric male dominance and fighting appears understandable in the context not of friendship and community but rather the fight for a resource, which is sex. So long as women chose men based upon a generic standard, men strove to meet that standard, even if such strife would expose the base nature of their longings. My only hope lay in this: that not only would I attract a woman of uncommon temperament, but that whatever her typical requirements of men might be I would be able to satisfy them quite by chance rather than by sinful intention. The animal state had to be transcended at all costs; it was imperative to do so in order for True Love to flower, for such a flower finds its roots in the well-being of the surrounding community. Friendship had to become again the basis for all human relationships. Besides: after all, women are not SCARCE, but rather an elite few use them to excess and not only to the detriment of the majority of men but all so to the detriment of most women. That being said, however, I could not deny this: that most men around me seemed content in their relations. So how could I claim that an elite minority had come to power? Perhaps instead I was an outsider, elite as a minority in thinking and feeling, but just as depravingly alone as my ex had suggested I would be. In that case, it seemed I had only to ask for inclusion in order to resolve the matter; it surely could not be hard to include me. It was, for them. But I was patient. I saw the struggle as an opportunity to find TRUE Love. This Love I believe I’ve found. May the Spirits lead me not to the temptation of convention in wooing an unconventional woman.


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