Sunday, October 6, 2019


Ninth Post-Script:

In the relatively conservative societies of the past, where liberals of our general sentiment and sensibility lived cloistered on the sidelines, writing from the prisons and outside the protection of a nationality, growing up and assuming a social role, except in the case of the child prodigy, meant to agree to certain dictates, for without them there would be no social order and no ethic. Yet the function of moral propriety was always more than merely narcissistic conformism. Its function was expressed in teleology, the process by which mankind ascends closer to Godhood with each subsequent generation. The closer that we come to that Ideal, the less we need to rely upon stricture and structure, for it was only ever aimed at reform and to atone for sins inherent to the times. As those sins are purged OVER time, the need to discern “worthwhile” occupations from “meandering” and meaningless ones lessens, for the entire function of the distinction was to bring us to a point wherein that same distinction will have served its purpose and would cease to be necessary. One does not need to know the destination to understand how such a passion burns to its own destruction. So it is in matters of economy. Fiscal conservatives only PRETEND that we live in the largest welfare state in history; in many ways, our welfare lags behind others. The establishment of this state, however, was aimed at the same goal that all moral reasoning aims towards: the common welfare. To oppose welfare is to oppose everything which is “good”, and the most traditional definitions for “good” will corroborate this. So it is that, as we come closer and closer to living a truly decent common life, dogmas which were previously necessary cease to be, having run their course. It is like a code that will continue to run only until it has fulfilled the function for which it was designed. Hence “teleology” means literally “the Movement of God” or “the Movement Towards God”. We are all God, in disguise, moving towards the realization of our own True Nature.

And to think that people continue to hate the hippies!! By this definition, they were the most spiritually advanced and morally refined of all generations.

Already “growing up” has less to do with doing that which is “necessary for survival” and more to do with that which is “intrinsically rewarding”. Already we begin, within a time referred to as “the Future”, even now, to live, for the first time, perhaps, within the Present. Already individual identity and conscientiousness begins to outshine social order in merit. Occupation ceases to be judged by social utility but rather by the capacity for the Individual to rise above the myopia of the partisan tribe.

Already, the paradigm of “identity” grows upon the remnants of “society”. And this is because “society” was only ever a stepping stone towards this transmutation.

Remember: our ancestors had to make sacrifices so that WE might not have to. Only those who failed to meet this challenge deferred it unto us. THEY had to live “the right way” so that WE might someday be able to live “our own way”. It was always prefigured that it would be so. Their lives cannot have meaning unless ours has a different meaning.

Live your own life.


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