Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Draft as Rape: an Existential Parallel.

Why are you such a pushover?

It’s because I am humble.

And yet you brag about it!

I confess it.

I always find it hilarious that people in this country are so harsh towards rape but so forgiving of conscription. I mean: what is the difference between the two, really?

Look upon sex, for instance: it’s a primal, selfish act that is nonetheless the expression of a deeper, more selfless longing for solidarity with another. Now, there is nothing intrinsically NOBLE about sex. Sure: it may be necessary for the survival of the species, of one’s own gene pool, of one’s own family line and legacy, but to presume upon the value of any of those things one must presume upon the value of one’s own birth and subsequent life. It’s noble for us to transcend nihilism, and it is permissible for us to yield to our own carnal longings, even if we must rationalize them accordingly. Yet for this to be attained JUSTLY a great many things must happen; sex must be justified, usually by rationalization and via romance. War, too, must amount to more than mere animal instinct if it is to attain any decorations in the Public. Now: we all know how we (have agreed to) feel about the use of force, coercion, and even persuasion and hypnosis towards the ends of sex; to rape is to reduce the Other to a means for one’s own pleasure, often out of undisciplined desperation. Now, if we actually CONSIDER our reasons for being hostile towards rape, might we not have to extend those same reasons to conscription? After all: one cannot stop human beings from fighting and killing with any greater ease than one can stop them from fucking and procreating; the nineteen-sixties stand as evidence for this fact. No one can rightfully be FORCED to have sex, however essential it may APPEAR to the fulfillment of another’s passions, for while these passions can be rationalized by appeal to the ideal of survival, that REMAINS AN IDEAL. Must your genes survive? We need not go so far as to demean you, blaming either your genes for your bad luck nor vice versa, nor either upon this mysterious quality of “attractiveness” and its opposite and lack thereof, if we wish to dismiss the perception of reproduction as being biologically imperative. We just take it in our stride that there is no necessity for everyone to mate, though most may have that desire. Why, then, must we pretend that the perpetuation of a nation, of the life of one’s family (at the inevitable expense of other families), or of a way of life is an ABSOLUTE? Obviously, any one of us, acting independently, may act in such a way that ensures the preservation of these things, and ethics verily emanate from this tendency. Yet must the felt need to rationalize these tendencies be allowed to grow to national proportions? We may be capable of acting heroically in independence of one another, but must this become a collective goal, and CAN it? Can an entire nation TRULY be unified in righteousness, or is simply the act of national unification a symptom not of genuine compassion but merely of a sublimation of primitive instincts? Honestly: how often has humanity been right in a group, by contrast with the number of times it has been wrong? In asking this, I know I can’t address a group, but an individual. The individual’s ability to transcend the animal instincts is one of the most indispensable of freedoms. If sex is base and unnecessary, then one must never be compelled by force or coercion to participate in it, though some tribal societies have been known to do that. So it is with that instinct we call war. Instead of treating conscription as a necessity by which the “noble” warriors might succeed in leading the “ignoble” cowards, might we not instead admit that that nobility is self-righteous and arbitrary? After all: what is a greater arbiter than force? The will to survive is one of man’s most ensnaring passions because the fear of death is one of his most depraving phobias, and the willingness to die “for one’s country”, at the expense of one’s own conscience, can hardly amount to more than a sublimation of that same fear, for when one surrenders one’s conscience one does not dissolve one’s ego; rather, the ego is directed so far outwards, identified so completely and extravagantly with a “noble, patriotic cause”, that its connection with the Soul, its solitary source of compassion for the Other, whether expressed as an individual or an ostensibly rival group, is severed entirely. When social justice takes on this quality, it becomes proto-Fascism. When love takes on this quality, it becomes destructive obsession. Let’s not deny that there is just as much dignity in sex; after all, one process produces the family and the other protects it. Yet neither is an expression of that family’s true potential: to restore unity within the larger Human Family. Those who cannot fathom this goal are inhibited, and for them to inhibit others, under the auspices of altruism and sacrifice, is a perversion of altruism and sacrifice. To die for your country (or, more accurately, your corporation!!) is never to overcome the fear of Death, but rather to rush directly at Death with a battle cry, hoping to kill Death itself, crazed with the obsession of survival. That which must survive is a carrier of one’s ego, just as one’s child is, and often this is more than an analogy, for the child is literally the motivator and the excuse. If one survives the battle, one might then subject the child to the same torment, insisting that only to die for one’s children is noble. One feels guilt for surviving, but not for killing; rather, one regrets that one did not die in such a manner that one would be remembered as a hero, so now one must secretly wish for the death of one’s children and the survival of one’s grandchildren by avenue of that same sacrifice. If one’s own children fail to die, they are to raise one’s grandchildren to inherit the tribal burden: to become a sacrifice to the gods, so that the entire family may be immortal. It is a karmic pattern so deeply ingrained in human history that only the very few so accept the possibility of defeat that they can surrender totally, as conscientious objectors to the fight itself. If you are clinging to survival, surrender is no way to protest war, for any war worth protesting must have the same outcome: one’s own annihilation. Yet if survival ceases to pervert by becoming an ideal, treated as an end in and of itself, then dying nobly takes on different meaning. There is no longer the need to sublimate, at that point. Neither must one force others to die, whether they are one’s own kin or some more distant relative of the human family tree. At that point, too, one regards the rapist NOT as a personification of the Devil, who lives within one’s own heart and hides behind every noble impulse. One simply sees the rapist as a confused human animal, trying to force others to participate in a carnal act that, like war, is not of absolute importance. And the conscription officer is no more dignified.


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