Friday, September 15, 2017


Perhaps you have had the chance to help several people. Allow me to help you, by sharing with you what I learned from my more traumatic experiences: NOT ALL RELATIONSHIPS ARE SACRED. The entire premise of Hamlet was that he had to avenge his father’s death, because his mother was corrupted and led to temptation. (“In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed, Stew'd in corruption, honeying and making love Over the nasty sty…") Temptation would lead me to idleness and cowardice, refusing to pursue those people who are all ready involved, as though they belonged to one an other. But when the people that I loved turned from me, when they fell to temptation and infidelity, when I was used to serve a narcissistic agenda, no part of that had the Divine Will within it. (And did THEY not condemn ME for MY possessiveness even as they lay CLAIM to this other person, as you claim they had the Divine Right to do?) You will NEVER convince me that some Loving God meant for that to happen to me, nor will you validate the lies of cheaters and manipulators. The roots of Fascism lie in the Romanticism that commits that ancient fallacy that because things ARE they SHOULD be. If the worst thing that can come of competition is that an unhealthy relationship is formed, why presume upon the health of the existing relationship, precluding that same possibility? Why PRESUME upon God’s Will and pardon Bad Behaviour, as though any one could bypass morality to attain Divinity? (As Kierkegaard pointed out, it is impossible to do so.) If I deserve someone, nothing can stop me from pursuing that person. If I do not, nothing can start me down the same path. And you cannot speak to me of Boundaries and of Intuition and Self-Love and yet tell me that I can’t KNOW the simple fact of what is owed to me. I deserve not to be betrayed by those closest to me, marginalized and forced to accept their conspiracy of wills as though they were the Divine Will. I will always fight against that sort of marriage. No loving God would exploit His most faithful servants for the use of narcissists, addicts and moral degenerates, only to blame Job at the end of the day for going crazy when the facts apparent to Common Sense are: Stand Up for Yourself. You did not CHOOSE to fight a war; war was brought upon you. And competition is now your right: to offer someone who has settled for less something BETTER is the art of masculinity and discernment, and it is the very principle of Freedom incarnate. Your Piscean Friend, 


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