Friday, February 23, 2018

Dream Seventeen:

It was in the midst of battle. I sought refuge at a restroom [in a familiar location that I should not publicize] that was very compact and inductive of claustrophobia. To comfort me within the stall appeared an angel, female, who congratulated me on what I’d done. She proceeded to perform oral sex on me. At this moment I heard boots outside the restroom door. In addition to the marching was the sound of familiar voices chanting an even more ominously familiar verse from the Satanic Bible. They slammed through the door to the restroom, mere yards away from the entrance to the cubicle within which I had found refuge and solace in privacy. I glimpsed their boots. The leader of the gang intoned that I would be hung upside down upon a crucifix and lowered into a Well. This was punitive for having scapegoated their Fuhrer. When the cubicle door burst open from without, I discovered that my assailants were no more than mere boys. Within their hands were not hammers and nails but rather percussion mallets and drum sticks. So shocked and confused were they by the erotic scene that they had stumbled upon that they fled in tears. They left behind them a suitcase labeled “Sins”. The Angel warned me against opening it, because it was analogous to Pandora’s Box. She told me that I was to be THEIR scapegoat, and that’s why they wanted to hang me upside-down: they had it all backwards. By tying the suitcase to the cross they would have drowned me, mafia-style, because otherwise the cross would have floated atop the well. The irony was so outrageous to the both of us that I awoke laughing.


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