Monday, February 26, 2018

Reflections on an Old, Dirty Bastard:

Reflections on an Old, Dirty Bastard:

I wonder who looks up to these people. No one wants to be on the receiving end of this sort of thing. So who would dream of being on the sending end? You can’t raise people to be aggressive and competitive and call yourself a role model. So what gives? I know: the Powers that Be want to pit us against one an other. If we could unify against them, we would thrive in peace and harmony. But that this is a blatant strategy at stopping unification and choking solidarity is only one failure on one front. There is the more underlying evil: that men are NOT INTRINSICALLY COMPETITIVE. And this structure gives them an INCENTIVE and an EXCUSE to be. No one would WANT to live this Life. So when they say that we have some “agenda”, like we ONLY want to unify the masses so as to take down the Powers that Be, what the hell are they going ON about? Of COURSE we want to take down any System that would FORCE us to compete against one an other, pitting us like chickens in a competition we had not consented to begin with. That’s hardly an ULTERIOR motive. That would be a BRILLIANT Agenda, and it’s no wonder that those Powers WANT to scapegoat any one who is so brilliant as to conceive of it. But you don’t need a PLAN in order to be a Good Person. You don’t need to HAVE a Power to RESIST in order to Live a Decent Life. So how could any one be so deluded as to think that that could be our ONLY motive? Is it possible that there exists, somewhere, a sort of being, in semblance human, if not in Spirit, that would actually WANT to live this sort of Life?


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