Thursday, March 6, 2014

Conclusion Regarding Certainty.

Certainty is not the result of an accurate assessment. On the contrary, it is a foregone conclusion and a driving motive that even surpasses the appeal of Reason and Mercy. The Will to Know, that primordial nostalgia for security or that craving for a comfort zone cradled from the World, can be so tempting a deluding agent that one can become fanatical about the most absurdly minute distinctions. In fact, one will usually only target those very absurd distinctions*, because those are the ones that one can seem to stake a claim on. One is tempted to the illusion of control.
It can be experienced in the absence of Reason and Passion: A crippling obsession. This would lead one to believe that the sensation of certainty rests in a different region of the brain than do the functions that produce Assuredness. That part of the brain may very well possess itself of some pretense to sovereignty.
Certainty is a  cognitive distortion.


* Yet, as I have pointed out, these are the distinctions which are most prone to the Sinking House.

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