Friday, December 15, 2017


Never had I considered suicide before the instance when you verbally abused me. Furious about your own failings, you took advantage of the opportunity provided for you by my decision to be lenient. You violated my mind-body. You directed my attention to the most banal aspect of my psyche, that space which had hitherto remained largely untouched and private. It is a part of my psyche that I would not have even shared with my most intimate partner, for it rests beneath the sexual chakra and its organs. You forcibly inserted your abstraction into my space, obligating me to take it. Now I may have no choice except to repeat the violation, because only by repeating your awful words could I convey the nature of the abuse in such a way as to heal it. My root chakra shall remain violated as long as I retain this form; it all ready becomes inflamed routinely, a psychosomatic symptom of the verbal rape that has returned in dream as more than merely a symbol for our conscious relationship, but rather as the actual underlying matter. I pleaded with you to abstain, alarmed that you would value your abstract freedom of speech over the interlocutor whose authority in this conversation is total. Every conversation must be adapted to the demands of the interlocutor, as a rule. Only you seem to possess the nerve to challenge my authority, as though the conversation were such an act of competition that my authority could threaten your own in any way. Only you seem to have been so narcissistic as to continually repeat the dreaded words, instead of adapting to my sensitivities and adopting them as your own, as though to lord your own insensitivity over me. Only you could have demanded that I grovel before the facts (a Root Attitude, and one that only appears in those confined to it by Force or Fear) of our mutual banality as I refused to agree to the abstract representation of them, for you were surely to preserve what little illusion of equality remained between us in the wake of your failure. How could it have been ignorance on my part? The fact was mine to agree to; it was MY body that you sought to involve in this conspiracy of science. Fear of ignorance is ignorance itself. As per usual, I remain blameless. And you even admitted, by analogy to sexual rhetoric, that the situation was comparable to a sexual abuse. Why did you not extend the analogy to admit that you had committed a verbal abuse against me? Worse than any sexual objectification, which at least occurs in that realm of the psyche where sociability BEGINS and risk is permissible, you reduced me to merely those animal functions that seldom require mention in public, for they are so base that they must be kept private. If even sexuality can be corrupted by force, so can defecation. There is no underlying reason for my reaction to this cruelty; its only cause was your decision. You will never possess the right to justify these abuses by pretending towards some sort of humility of which I am alone in opposing. Like all of your accusations of egoism, they only expose your own pathological narcissism. There is no true humility in demeaning others, reducing them to their most basic biological functions, and rendering that most private of faculties public. Some things must remain private; we are embarrassed by them by their very NATURE as pre-social. All abstraction and extraversion threaten that part of our mind-bodies; even this retaliation itself is dirty by necessity in dealing with your utterly unnecessary violation. Were they not INTRINSICALLY private, they would not be embarrassing. You will never possess the right to violate them so as to humiliate others, as though by so doing you could impart your own “humility” upon the immodest. To force a virtue upon any man, male or female, only reflects the absence of one’s own. And there is never modesty in publicity.


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