Monday, December 4, 2017


I hope that you are content to know that Alanna is dead, of suicide.
This is what happens when you do not listen to me, even when I know better than you do.
I have spent the better part of three years trying to prevent this, sabotaged at every corner by INSUBORDINATION from my INFERIORS.
You have been one of these inferiors.
I WARNED you about the assailants, and I alone was aware of their depraved condition. I expected that the very FACT that I was operating alone would have compelled you more urgently to come to my aid and to eliminate this menace. Instead, you not only insulted me by doubting me (when I knew myself all ready to be in the Right, and had stressed this fact). You ENDANGERED HER by disobeying me. Like the fetus that lived for some short and hopeful time inside your former girlfriend, Alanna died at your hands.
The assailant was an individual who had done direct harm to me by interrupting my correspondence with this woman. I am beyond the point that I might hold so petty a grudge that I would blame the Dead. I only regret that the blameworthy remain amidst the Living. Their remainder continues to be a threat to Life.
You did nothing to demonstrate your Loyalty to me against this breach of Loyalty on the assailant’s part.
You have behaved not as a Human Being would, but as a parasitic narcissist. The convictions of even a close friend who had come to your aid previously (when no one else would) were insufficient to you, even in the face of mortal danger. You had only to rely upon your own observations. Regrettably, they were informed not by altruism but by self-interest. This self-interest I cannot be blamed for, accused of, nor even SUSPECTED of. Not one of you can hold a candle up to me in terms of loyalty and other virtue. You have only yourselves to blame for Her Death.
When you finally found corroboration for me, you did not even bother to express remorse for not having listened to me sooner. This letter is to inform the World that I no longer regard you as a Human Being. In my Microcosm, which is in no way different from the Macrocosm, for it is informed by Reason, you are a parasite, and I reject that as having any part in the Human Condition. Burn in Hell, Saul. And do not expect me to come to your aid.


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