Monday, January 22, 2018

528 Words: Music.

With not much left going for me, I fall back upon my old devices: Music. I have surmised the reason underlying my long hiatus from Spontation. Not only is my own work underappreciated. Even when it is appreciated, I struggle to find peers, especially in what little there is of a lingering local scene. One would think that in an age f hip-hop and electropop my fellows in San Diego would be living on the map. But no such luck. Corporate persuasion has crept in. The most innovative producers that I have had the tragedy of knowing have either sold out or fallen off the radar. Many of them are sitting on entire piles of gold like so many Smaugs the Dragons. They hoard their works of genius and drug-induced religious inspiration, but they do not DO any thing with them. It’s like Joseph Campbell said: the Western Dragon, unlike the Eastern One, hoards VIRGINS. He has no use for them. He simply hoards them. Christ: even Islamic Extremists are more humane. At least they surely plan to DO something with their harem* in the next life.

*Why did I make this italic? I am such a hipster now. “Harem” is so predominant an Arabic loan-word in English, especially amidst men, that I really need not treat it like some sort of Middle Eastern delicacy.

I guess I don’t mind. I have my own work. I never was shy to use as many as three free SoundCloud accounts to give even my most challenging work exposure. I know what Rob said: that it is too “busy”. I know what Alex said: that it’s too “chaotic”. But were they not operating as much out of their own reservations as from a position of honest criticism? Had either of them simply found the nads to publish their most psilocybin-infused efforts, would they not have held me to the same generic corporate standards as they hold themselves? Life’s too short to worry about the Man, man. I knew that when I first discovered Modest Mouse. I suppose I still owe a debt to my best friend Jeff Carter. Wherever that old Venutian bull might be. He was right: he’s a Taurus, through and through. I guess it’s true what they say about them and Pisces. Where would I have been without him and his musical contributions in high school? Even if Gemini Awilda called him a “Music Nazi”. I hope he enjoys my birthday mix for him.

Funny enough: my critics are operating under suggestion by the same people who all ways push the envelope, and in the WRONG DIRECTION. It’s not like Drake is not daring; he is just generically so. I am reminded of that guy I met downtown at Witching Hour once: the Aries who gave me a hit and told me that his Spirit Animal was the Wolf. He told me THEY control Reality with only their thoughts.

Why ought not we?

At the very least: we may get laid. I know that exposure helped me get a few numbers. And I pray that Jeff has found someone as well. Wherever that crazy bull might be.


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