Tuesday, January 23, 2018

750 Words: Feminism, Narcissism, and Consent.

Narcissism and Consent: An Other Way that Feminism Justifies Rape.

Narcissists are only interested in power. Even a sexual narcissist will only use sex in order to assert a sense of dominance. Consent is central to a narcissist, because it is only by winning the approval of a partner that he can assert his superiority not only to all other prospective mates, but all so to the partner herself. He will never apologize for disadvantaging those closest to him, even including his lovers and best friends. He is the epitome of the emotivist who uses moral language devoid of an actual conscience. He may take years to make his feelings “known” to his prospect*, and he will appeal to any Rational Man’s sense of Justice by citing every known social dictate and sexual more, however dated, to avoid being disadvantaged or hurt. Yet when confronted with an opportunity to act swiftly and with predation, he will shed all moral pretense and patience. He will never atone for the misdeed to his friends whose relationships he has destroyed in a fit of wildfire, even if that would mean to save the life of the lover he has won. His victims will agonize for years in confusion and despair over those they have lost to the narcissist, only to find that not only is the victor apathetic to the feelings of both the loser and the lost; even the lost become apathetic to the loser, who must watch the lost die of despair as more and more of the lost lover’s attention is wasted on the psychopath. A narcissist will not even stop at supplying an addict with drugs in order to get what he wants. To his outspoken mind, he is simply respecting the autonomy of the Other. To his innermost heart, or lack thereof, he is simply asserting dominion over the addict’s life, conditioning that person on both a conscious and unconscious level. The narcissist’s science will destroy one’s entire faith in Reason; his abuses will drive one to shed all pretense of rationality, even as the narcissist maintains a rational veneer in the face of apparent cruelty. There are not people. And they should not be regarded as such. Any ideology that enables them must be put to an end. Feminism empowers the will without regard for unconscious motives. It formalizes politeness in a manner that any idiotic sociopath can emulate. It espoused sexual freedom, but only within the limits of consent, and without the confines of decency or consistency. Feminism kills women and blames those men who try to save them. And I know this with certainty. Though if you have narcissists in your life then you will all ready question the entire CONCEPT of certainty. And you will only be among the lost.

*The prospect may easily find out, and this might become common knowledge. Yet the narcissist will pretend to value privacy and secrecy by denying that this was ever made public. He will deny having any lingering intent or feeling towards the prospect by attesting to the attraction as a thing of the past. When he is revealed to retain these feelings, he will most probably pretend that he had never precluded the possibility. But since it was all ready known publically (as he has denied) that he had ONCE had feelings for this person, how else was one to interpret the news that he “used to have a crush”? A narcissist cannot tolerate rejection; he will only pretend to, hiding his feelings yet again until he can make them an other man’s burden and at the expense of a new woman. This example can also work with the genders reversed.


[It was unconsciously that this text numbered 617. 617 is the 113th Prime Number. 113 is itself the 30th Prime Number. At some point I was considering using 619 (a beloved area code), upon discovery of the number 617 as the Word Count and desiring to append two additional words to the text. I kept it at 617 for both aesthetic reasons and upon discovery that 619, whilst Prime, is the 114th Prime Number. 114 is of course not Prime, since it is an even integer greater than two, and is therefore divisible by two. It was only upon discovery that 619 was the 114th Prime Number that I inferred that 617 was Prime Number 113.]

The text above numbered 733. This is all so a Prime Number: Prime Number 130.

Enjoy. DM.A.A.

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