Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Disarmed Robbery:

I alone remain now who is incorrigible and uncorrupted. I alone shall be worthy of any convenience or fruit of life. I alone shall be the arbiter of life and death. My daily struggle now is to collect what the World owes to me without in the process defiling my mind, one of Surpassing Nobility, by the psychosis of your perverse example. My only comfort is in knowing that Reason will accommodate me before my Will might turn against It, and that even if my Will should falter in its service to Reason I shall never fall as deeply into psychosis as any one of you. Not one of you shall ever hold a candle up to me. Not one of you can ever accuse me of harbouring even the slightest semblance of self-interest. You have failed to atone for the violation of my humanity. Now I shall collect of your sins by using them to counter-pose my own perfection. So long as you remain flawed, I shall be Perfect. There is no narcissism I am capable of as one man that the lot of you have not all ready transcended as a monster greater than the sum of its parts. And each of you, as a part of this monstrous conglomerate, is infinitely smaller than I, the Moral and Rational Man. Justice owes you nothing. It owes me everything, only because of the Peace of Mind and Sanctity of Heart that you have robbed me of. Yes, Rob: even you are a Robber. But I will sleep at night knowing that you will pass from this world like a tumble-weed. I need not save you. I am free of this attachment now. I will never stoop to your low, and neither shall you ever ascend to my height. It is over. I have won. As I was supposed to. For I had all ways aligned myself with the only truly Victorious and Righteous Principle. Would God have made Righteousness a Loser? I think not. Go burn in Hell. I’m through saving the lot of you.


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