The attitude of the religious person, as has been brought to my attention by Ali, a University professor of Philosophy and Language, is that man 'has some thing'. This pertains of course to the thorny issue of that most horrendous of pre-tensions, 'Equality'. It is a word that literally mortifies me. Like Racism, Sexism, and Monetary Value, it is so typical as an American Memetic phenomenon (memenon) in this one central "respect": that it does not exist.
The religious origin of this idea rests in the conception that each individual human being has a "Soul", given to him by God, that renders him "human". There fore, it is stated, all beings that possess such a "Soul" are regarded as "Equal(s) in the eyes of God."
Religious scholar Alan Watts said that this idea was the origin of the principle of "Bureaucratic Democracy": "All men are equally inferior." Its instrumentality is entirely hegemonic.
The philosopher of course comes on to the scene and pro-claims: Where is this Soul?? I do not see it! And the people who found shelter in this com-forting delusion then rage against him; kill the heretic!
This trend has been ubiquitous over recent history. "Recent" meaning the past several thousand years of course.
Every regime in the past hundred years that has had a pre-tense towards equality has up-set our conventional conceptions of what such a society would be. This was made possible with the ex-clusion of certain beings from the label of 'humanity'. All men are equal, but some are more equal than others. The African American slave, the German Jew, and the Soviet political dissident were all victims of this scape-goating strategy.
Every generation has had a Pretense to-wards Progress. "Our fore fathers were cruel, but WE shall be Equal!" Of course, the youth full fervour is natural and necessary. Only it is corrupted when it is turned from the "I" to the "we". By deferring responsibility to the Mass, expecting one's peers to con-form to one's pre-judices, one renders the word "equality" a Fascist mantra.
Of course Equality, if it is given by Nature, can not be attained by man. If it is NOT given by Nature, it must be attained, but there is no necessity for this. And THAT it is given by Nature does not pre-dispose us to re-cognise it. Nor does it compell us to, for that would be a Fallacy of Naturalism.
Equality would compell us, were it synonomous with Inclusion, to pro-tect the rights of all psychic minorities, including intro-verts, people experiencing psychosis, and social deviants. Yet it invariably becomes Mob Rule; what is "equal for us" may not be "equal" to the mind of the minority. Hence some men are more equal than others; the others "simply don't get it," and must be re-formed.
Of course were equality a matter of fairness we would have no fairness. Only relativism. The rapist is equal to the pope (which one may only hope happens rarely in reality), the whore is equal to the chaste, the victim equal to the oppressor, the proto-Fascist to the democrat (well per haps), et cetera. All before God, who Alone Can Judge Them. All basic rational dis-cretion is lost to an in-sane and meaningless ideal: A mere IDIOM that is only USED to gain leverage when one is Part Of The Majority.
No higher values, the kind that have promised a greater fairness to a greater number of beings, can be attained in this bucket of crabs. The person motivated by Power all ways suspects others of harbouring the same motive, and her actions are immanently revealing of her intentions. She would ask: Well how do YOU know that YOU do not desire Power, and that you have not projected your Own will to power up on me? The answer is with in that instant of insult. The genuinely moral person strives with his SELF first and fore most. He seeks not to sub-vert others as an end in and of its self; he wants only to re-form his own self, constantly and vigilantly. That she might accuse him of desiring only power is evidence that she has no interest in his moral quest, but only that she have sufficient control over him that she is immune to his criticism. And of course to criticise way-ward Souls that are motivated by more lowly impulses such as Power is its self a Moral Imperative.
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