Saturday, June 20, 2015

The American Dream.

There is not a single doubt in my mind that the system of capitalism is corrupt and can never be made uncorrupt. I mean: It is just so simple. Capitalism actually ENABLES individuals to DEPRIVE OTHERS of RESOURCES. The very individuals who reserve to “right” to do so are given greater STATUS in society, and THESE PEOPLE Tend to be in charge of it.
I don’t know about you, but to me that seems ABSOLUTELY INSANE.
I mean, look: The food is right there! The means of production. My neighbour’s home. Supposing that I accidentally left the stove on and locked the house. My dog is trapped within. I locked my self out. I have taken such precautions to avoid THEFT that I have no way at all to break IN to my house, at least not with out potentially risking the life of my loved ones – a dog, a child, what ever – who are INNOCENT and there fore more vulnerable. My only chance might be to throw a stone throw a window, and then what if my stone hits my loved one? What if my loved one comes to my rescue and is scarred by glass? And before I might rescue her, within MOMENTS of rescue, and in a state of total panic, the Police will arrive to detain me, tearing me away from my baby daughter whose face I see, about to die in ashes, because my neighbor (who of course does not trust me because the media imbibed him with a distrust of even his own neighbours) called the cops on me? And as I struggle against these militarized pigs, they insist: Don’t worry. Your anxiety evidences that you are clearly delusional and that you require treatment at a mental hospital. We can dismiss every thing you say. And we have done our job. The money that we make to-night we are FREE TO SPEND AS WE PLEASE. Perhaps we shall go to a strip-club, where your older daughter is working now, being oogled by men whose occupation was the systematic annihilation of a people in a foreign land where – guess what? CIVILIANS NEVER STEAL FROM ONE AN OTHER, AND MANY OF THEM CAN NOT AFFORD LOCKS.

The American Dream.

Of course my opponents will argue that my account is biased. But I should think: SURELY any tale of horror how ever gruesome does not rival the Absurdity of that of the Rugged American Individual. What’s worse? A firing squad ordered by Pol Pot? Or being unable to trust even your own neighbours, to speak nothing of your own government, your own police force, and of course your own judgement?
It is okay. Jung DID say that intelligence varies from person to person, and so do ethics. I do not usually go for statistics, but at least for its (mytho)logical value I might cite the claim that one out of five Americans is a sociopath. But not many people take kindly to the term “sociopath” any more, and rightly so; all mental illnesses are invented. I like my name for these people best: Capitalists.


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