Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Common Sense Responses to Enduring Neuroses.

I do think about the people around me. I think that they are all wrong. And I pity them.

Common Sense Responses to Enduring Neuroses.

Derrida pro-claimed that what can not be said must be written. So here goes.

1.       Objectification.
a.       What the hell does that mean? You do not want me to be Objective?
                                                               i.      If I cannot be Objective, to the best of my ability, according to Intuition, personal Common Sense, and Reason, then how will I own up to my own impulses? If my desires and urges shape the world around me, do I knot OWE it (Know it) to The OBJECT of my consciousness, to be objective? Jung said that introverts tend to become guilty of “subjectifying the object”. They “put it down”; they abstract away from it.
I love introversion. But I take responsibility for my self. I acknowledge that a Grounded attitude towards any thing, especially sex, is a well-rounded one.
2.       De-personalisation.
a.       Hold on. I feel de-personalised.
                                                               i.      If some thing is PERSONAL, it tends to VARY from PERSON to PERSON. Other wise, it is INTER-PERSONAL. But as an individual I reserve the right to control with whom I maintain PERSONAL relations, as well as the PERSONAL feelings that I may choose to express before an IMPERSONAL audience.
                                                             ii.      Besides that, I may choose to acknowledge IMPERSONAL facts and perceptions (which ever term you prefer) that are present to me. But that is a PERSONAL choice.
                                                            iii.      I can rarely Universalise in a TRANS-PERSONAL way, with out running the risk of being dis-appointed. And even if Universals exist, as they do, one must endure a great deal of PERSONAL Relativism in order to arrive at them. Kohlberg attested to this; Life demonstrates it. But it is not my job to try to provide this for people who never had the nerve to try it out.
3.       Reification.
a.       You mean the Marxist sense or the Gestalt sense?
                                                               i.      Marxist: The notion of treating a man as one would a thing. It goes back to the notion f the exploitation of workers as human resources. Yet it perpetuates the notion that things are inferior to people, and to treat people as “human canvasses”, et cetera, is an affront to the human being.
1.       Watts: Hippie Guru who popularized Buddhism and L.S.D. Criticised money but criticised Marxist Fascism as a looming threat. Argued that Americans are not materialistic at all but that the ENTIRE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE is a manifestation of the Divine Intelligence.
Made fun of women for saying that he only wanted them for their bodies and not their minds. Influenced by Jung. Considered the intellect over-rated; the “small mind” which is really just an illusion of the Great Mind.
Argued that the rejection of the Physic al World (of Things, like Rilke’s Dingen) was part of the rejection of the feminine in the original Biblical Council. This Council omitted the Gnostic texts, with their emphasis on sexual self-empowerment, bodily pleasure, the physical world, and the maternal power, (McKenna) from the Bible. The Bible endures as one of the most influential texts/novels of all time. Its influence, as Jung demonstrated, pervades the Unconscious Psyche, even of atheists.
2.       Foucault, Heidegger, Sartre: All rejected Humanism. All influenced and had close ties with men AND WOMEN who were progressives working to sub-vert History and Historicity (the central part of Hegel’s project, and there fore that of Marx as well). All preached Freedom, despite differing political views.
a.       Sartre, despite his “womanising” tendencies, dated de Beauvoir through-out his entire adult life.
b.      Heidegger, despite strong Nazi affiliations, got back together with Hannah Arendt after WWII.
c.       Foucault, despite homosexual habits and drug habits, created the post-modern pre-dicament that S.J.W.*’s find their selves
                                                             ii.      Gestalt: The projection of qualities upon the world that do not exist there-in.
1.       You mean like what we do when we generalize about:
a.       Womanising?
b.      Sexism?
c.       Racism?
d.      Monetary Value?
e.      Political Correctness?
f.        Collective Truth?
g.       Common Sense?
h.      Social Cues?
i.         “Oppression”?
j.        Wage Disparity?
k.       Statistical Truth?
l.         Mental Illness?
m.    God conceptions?
n.      Romantic projections?
o.      Rape rhetoric?
p.      Fascism?
q.      Hypocrisy?
2.       Do not get me wrong. A LOT of these concerns, particularly that of Fascism, are incredibly legitimate. Yet for the MOST part people do not know what the HELL they are talking about. The solution:
a.       Embrace Jamesian pragmatism.
b.      Trust what the Buddha said. Question every thing that you read and hear, unless it accords with your own common sense and experience.
c.       Back up your claims and avoid hypocrisy.
d.      Study your self.
e.      Study cases by case. Case-by-case basis, not just projection.
f.        Love the paradox. Don’t expect consistency from an Absurd Reality.
g.       Do not be a Dogmatist. Just be firm.
h.      Have patience and openness with people.
i.         Do not be a Fascist.
j.        Fight Fascism in stead.
k.       Empower your self. Do not take other people’s bull shit just because they tell you to. Study your self. Do you REALLY care about them? Or do you only care about what they THINK? Dostoyevsky: The hardest thing to tell is the truth, and the easiest thing is to flatter. If you only care about what people THINK OF YOU, then you are a narcissist and will only use Debate to flatter people. If you GENUINELY love people, you will be morally obligated to tell them that they’re wrong.
l.         I have known enough rape victims, drug addicts, lost souls, misandrists, misogynists, misanthropists, proto-Fascists, and survivors to proudly co-rroborate this.

*Social Justice Warriors.



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