Thursday, June 11, 2015

Breaking the Net (of Dogmatic Tormentors).

Breaking the Net (of Dogmatic Tormentors).

You have no genuine opinions of your own, only dogma. Where I depart from your dogma you not only negate my departure, but you go on to compile all of my departures in to one dogma its self. You do not care that this dogma contradicts your own; you hold me to it even though you do not believe it. Were you a genuine believer in your own dogma you would never hold me to an opposing dogma, for were you in-advertently to prove me right in the dogma you have ascribed to me then you would have be-trayed your own. Your intent is purely to trap me, so it has less to do with beliefs and more to do with cruelty and power. If I deviate from your dogma, you only have more rope to add to the net. Were I consistent with the dogma ascribed to me, you could carry me wherever you wished within it, for you do not truly believe in my dogma any way and all ready have a retort to it. Were I to tug against the net, hoping to break free, you would only tauten it, accusing me of hypo-crisy. My only escape is by cutting through the net, and this is why I have written this retort.
This I conclude: whenever I see cruelty befall the innocent, I shall blame you and your breed of people. If that seems unwarranted to you, the burden is yours. For every warranted claim I have made you have dismissed as “mere” philosophy. Now that I make an unwarranted one, I merely play the game by your rules, not mine. Which ever modus operandi you ultimately choose – that of Reason or that of Passion – I win. But you cannot win in my mind, for you have only your passion and not reason, and that that reason could so easily be set aside is evidence of the feebleness of your passion. The passion must be nothing more than a minor bullying tendency, and I can flick you off my arm as a mosquito.
This is why I have studied philosophy: For I have struggled with people like you my entire life, and philosophers were amidst the few who could help me. At the very least they unified all the other voices in my mind. So it is no surprise that you condemn the people who defend me from you. I owe them more than I could ever owe you, even if you joined their class.


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