Thursday, June 4, 2015

Death to Feminists.

By far the most horrendous thing I have encountered tell of with in the Speech and Debate community is the Feminist Kritik. What makes it popularity onerous is that it has literally been used to evade discussion upon any other topic. It was all so “justified” by the totally un-related sexual assault of two females in some remote part of the circuit. Now the problem here is clear: This is a Naturalist Fallacy and, a la Huxley, an appeal to the present in terms of the past. The sufferings of others, whether or not they were deserved, which one can never prove, never justify Fascism.
Fascism makes possible the atrocities that we have heard of in Guantanamo Bay. I do not care how much it might bother people that there are rapists in this country; there are sub-humans in positions of political power. Contemporary feminism is nothing new; Leni Riefenstahl is still praised for her Nazi propaganda films simply by virtue of being a woman. As though being a woman guaranteed you any kind of artistic merit or justified Nazi apologetics. Romanticism leads to Fascism.
It all so profoundly shocks me that many of these women who seem to be-wail rape as though it were the worst things that could happen to a person actually think it lends them a “competitive advantage” over other issues. I mean: Framer’s Intent is obviously logocentric. One can interpret a resolution innumerable ways; what the judge votes on depends upon the style of intervention used. That may be inevitable; so be it. I would only wish the judges admitted to it.
No. I refuse to believe that rape is the worst fate that could be-fall a person. By far torture if any thing is never permissible. The intent of rape is only to satisfy a need at the expense of an other person, and even to say “expense” is unfortunately on my part an act of Bad Faith. So be it. The intent of torture is to DELIBERATELY INFLICT HARM. It de-humanises both victim and perpetrator. It is never justified. Never.
But these people do not care. And what entitlement can they claim to safety? They disgust me. How could they even claim victimhood when THIS is the kind of society that they are creating? If their concern for society and humanity stops at their personal interest, then they get the war that they deserve. No doubt about it. If some thing bothers you, as it should, you should have trouble sleeping at night. And it keeps me awake at night typing this critique thinking that these young Fascists are treating debate like a GAME. One does not make a GAME of people being force-fed food through their anus! One does not make a GAME of some one being paid millions of dollars to deliberately manipulate the legal system in order to PERMIT this. When one learns that these words refer to a reality, de-spite every attempt to de-construct all language, it is NOT A FUCKING GAME.
But rape is. To people who use it in the purely theoretical. How do they EVER hope to establish a humane society devoid of violence when they by running their Kritik do NOTHING to assuage the atrocities perpetrated by our own government. If torture is “practical” or “justified”, and it is apparently a worse fate than rape, then would they not have to justify rape as well, just through horse sense? I mean: It is nothing short of or exceeding federal propaganda that would convince us other-wise.  They do know that, don’t they?
Of course for them it is just a game. Others can suffer for their competitive advantage.
But we do not see it as a game.
We demand a moral standard.
It requires no effort for me to write this. Only courage and decency. Since childhood I vowed to help the world and I refuse to work with people who would force a Fascistic dogma upon people and cloud the systematic atrocities that we see with shady logic.
We will never advocate for rape. We will never advocate for torture. The only instance in which we would do the former would be to prevent the latter. And we are not afraid to state this, because this is not a game. The truth is not a game.
Humanity can do better.


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