Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Evel of Leviling.

The greatest danger with leveling is that you can never criticise any one without being suspected A PRIORI (as opposed to a posteriori, but rather with out due cause) of hypocrisy. “Who are you to say this?” is an idiomatic form of bureaucratic democracy. It is predicated upon the conditioned Christian notion that we are all rotten to the core (as opposed to the Genuine Christian notion that God Loves His Children) and that all well-wishers and nay-sayers are suspect. The proto-Fascism of Hobbes, who believed that man should never rebel against his government, because he could not surpass his own ethical egoism (which is bunk; it is simply difficult to find one’s altruism and adhere to it, especially in the midst of rampant cynicism), is prevalent ironically through out America to-day, as an exceedingly stifling set of Social Norms takes precedence over Individual Responsibility and Existential Freedom.
By leveling you over-step my boundaries. You narrow your view and take every idiom I use to try to level with you out of context. Now that I am suspect I can never say that I am a victim, because you refuse to be seen as the moral inferior that you are when you wrong me. The lines disappear, all men are equally inferior, and all men become savages. I can never stand up for my self without feeling GUILTY for the wrongs done to ME. And as conformism grows, enflamed by this distorted sense of ethical imperative, it becomes more and more difficult for me to find my voice to yell: I was wronged!!!
Leveling is hegemonic, and the people who accuse elitists of hegemony are only projecting their own impulses. Fitting since they have done all in their reckless power to tear down all boundaries of decency that would make it clear that THEY are responsible for their own wrong-doing. But *I* shan’t be fooled and take the blame for it.


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