Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Is Vanessa Gecko a Parody of Reese Witherspoon???

This is very minor, but it just occurred to me. Vanessa Gecko, despite her animal name, is a human being. Conversely, Charlie Witherspoon, despite his human name, is a Gecko. Both Charlie and Vanessa represent the opposing poles of Princess Carolyn's corporate discontentment; Charlie represents the nepotism and incompetence she has to answer to, (made more frustrating, surely, by the fact that she may never even have a son to spoil in this manner) whereas Vanessa represents the worldly, idealized success which she all ways falls short of: the woman who Has it All.

Now, there is only one celebrity "Witherspoon" that I can think of off the top of my head, and that is Reese Witherspoon.

Reese Witherspoon, the start of Legally Blonde and many other "chick flicks", is sort of the same sort of chimera that Vanessa Gecko is. Not only does she depict these career women who also lead extraordinary sex lives and very happy family lives; her public persona as an actress has always been cast in this light as well. She's been married twice, each time for about eight years, she has had three children, she is considered a beauty queen, a philanthropist, and a homemaker, and she continues to act in the hit television show Big Little Lies. In truth, most of the really "well-rounded, worldly" women that I knew growing up had an idealized view of Reese Witherspoon, and plenty of men clearly would have seen her as "wifey material".

Is it impossible that the ever-subtle minds that created BoJack Horseman deliberately switched the names of Gecko and Witherspoon in order to make their satire less transparent and heavy-hitting? Maybe Reese just has one of those faces that you don't want to piss off by being too blunt.


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