Friday, September 20, 2019

Logical Proof for the Nonexistence of Racism: a Summary.

Logical Proof for the Nonexistence of Racism: a Summary.

Reality is fairly ridiculous, if you think about it, though if one doesn’t, then it’s fairly straightforward. Consider this: the possibility that an entire group of people is wrong, and that if they take offense to being wrong that is only an extension of the same falsehood they believe in. Well, clearly, in matters of politics one never precludes this; after all, historically, entire nations have been wrong in their policies and views, and many of these policies and views began when the nations were a shattered and oppressed minority. Verily, it is the simple presence of a group which leads the individual into spiritual, moral, and metaphysical error. Furthermore, it is often upon the prevalence of such an error that a group depends for its identity, so much so that an individual who happens to fall into the group cannot be condemned for “having” a view if he or she does not “hold” it. It is when the individual is condemned for the errors of his group that an injustice has come to pass, whether the condemning party is the group itself or an outsider. Regarding race, therefore, it is only those who identify the individual as a representative of the “race”, at the expense of that person’s individuality, that are truly at fault, and those who champion the cause of any “race” are thereby especially at fault accordingly. The battle against racism, expressed as a conflict between a group of people that holds one view and all others, on behalf of other divisions of people, but at the expense of individual dissenters of all sects, is no different from that phenomenon which it combats. Since such a hypocrisy renders the fighters themselves biased, even the nature of what they are fighting must be called into question as nonexistent.


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