Sunday, September 1, 2019

Why I am Pushing for Cosby's Appeal, Continued:

The simple fact that Cosby’s conviction aroused so much joy in his plaintiff and prosecutors is bad enough; one never saw that sort of elation in survivors of the Holocaust during the Nuremberg Trials, but then what can I say? I wasn’t there, so maybe I have no right to judge. And neither does the American population have that right to reduce the legacy of Bill Cosby to a slang term for date rape.

Andrea Constand’s triumph was certainly a victory for her ideology, but it remains to be seen to what extent she, like the constituent of ANY special interest group that preys upon public sentiment and violates due process, was motivated by money. Reading the history of capitalism has robbed me off my scruples in accusing others of profiteering. If people used to employ six-year-olds in cotton factories, I should feel OBLIGATED to point the accusatory finger at absolutely anyone who would demand monetary reparations of any kind. Nothing is beneath the human being, or so it seems. And evil people love a good scapegoat, especially when that same scapegoat is a lion.

The Court was not without the provision of a fig leaf. In the absence of physical evidence to substantiate the allegations, many of them barred by the statute of limitations, lawyers had to dig deep. What they found was nothing more than a friendly conversation between a convicted Cosby and a deposition lawyer in 2005. Cosby essentially “confessed” to three misdeeds that were conventions (especially in the African American community that he would go on to criticize in later life) at the time that he allegedly performed them:

-         Being in possession of a popular recreational drug, with which he was not too miserly to share with his female cohorts.

-         Touching Andrea’s butt, especially after she had objectified herself and expressed a desire to be objectified. (Were this not the case, her description of her ideal butt would be without meaning, since calling her butt “tight”, as she aspired for it to be, would be considered objectification.)

-         Presuming upon his own ability to read nonverbals, desire and intentionality.

The latter of these is the most damning, but not of Cosby, but rather his entire generation of accusers. The entire concept that silence cannot be consent ought to be a cause for moral outrage, if only because the ability to transcend the need for spoken communication, which Deleuze* had derided as being “seductive” and “impure” by contrast with writing, is a birthright of the human mind, without the pursuit of which we are subject to the authoritarian rule of language. The ability to communicate things nonverbally is not the solitary province of holy men such as Sri Ramana Maharshi, though perhaps Enlightenment and the Total Comprehension of Existence is not something that we ought to dismiss as mere superstition. In fact, daily life constantly requires us to be able to read the emotions of others. Inability to do so would render us grievously disabled; the D.S.M. literally defines it as the most severe autism, but apparently that is how the legal system perceives us. Nonverbal communication, especially as empathy, is also arguably how we learn language to begin with, and this is evidenced by the fact that people who do not speak a given language can still understand the behaviours of people who DO speak that language by simply observing gestures and facial expressions. Social life requires us to be able to read social cues while legal life precludes our potentiality to do so, even stooping to so depraving a hypocrisy as to turn Cosby into a scapegoat for claiming that he is CAPABLE of performing up to so noble and imperative a standard. Had America’s Dad wanted simply to cover his own tracks, he might have denied the allegations outright; it was all ready too late in the game for any probable scientific forensic evidence to be summoned against him. Why then was he so blunt in his deposition? Simply put: a man, in the classical sense of the actualized male, must be. How else could he BE America’s Dad? The only reason that his bluntness is demonized, as though it were arrogant boasting of a devil, lies in this fact: feminists hate men. They are content to rule over men who parrot the dogmas of feminist ideologies, but the moment that a man claims to understand WOMEN, they use this as evidence for his inability to understand them, presuming that anyone who TRULY understands them must confess that they pass understanding entirely. The feminist stance is thus twofold predation: one by extraverts against an introverted minority (since Jung demonstrated that introverts tend towards nonverbal “non-directed” or symbolic thinking whilst extraverts tend towards verbal or “directed” thought, even illustrating how this works in rhetoric in a cartoon from his book on Psychological Types), and secondly by women upon men. The legal status quo verily overlooks the most critical wisdom that tradition has bestowed upon us about heterosexuality: that it is a MEETING OF OPPOSITES. Too often a generation corrupted by the misappropriation of Deconstructionist thought denies that “gender” has an intrinsic psychosexual weight, but common sense and custom show it to be universally so: men, if they seek to be lovers, without which they can’t be men, must take initiative and be forthcoming; women, by contrast, are not only socially encouraged but temperamentally inclined to be covert, RATHER THAN overt, and they value men as sexual partners ONLY TO THE EXTENT that those men CAN READ THE COVERT SIGNALS and ACT UPON THEM.

*Deleuze also incidentally professed the pursuit of the Body without Organs, a state which by necessity must transcend conscious “knowledge”.

This is not mere theory divorced from common life. If the “Court of Public Opinion” amounts to anything more than the mob that gave us the slave trade and the Holocaust, one can see it working its magic at any downtown nightclub, where young girls often will dance with you only if you start dry humping them and turn you away if you ask permission. And this is ESPECIALLY the case in African American sectors, where recreational drug use and fondling are so common that it might be considered ethnocentric to even turn one’s nose up at them. (Though I must confess to a sort of proto-Fascist outrage on my own part when, having been corrupted by several years of feminist suggestion, I discovered this to be the TRUE state of affairs in the youth.)

Why should Cosby have to apologize for having been a part of this nearly HALF A CENTURY AGO? Must we presume that what he did back then MUST have been worse than what passes for convention right NOW?? What about the Hindu notion that things get worse over TIME? At any rate, if the nineteen-seventies truly were so hellish, – and we DO have reason to believe that they were at least more segregated, so acts of sexual misconduct, as defined by white Americans, would have been expressions of black identity, (and it would be TERRIBLY presumptuous to think that our contemporary view of misconduct is so absolute that this observation might be considered derogatory) – then the laws of the time would not have held Cosby in contempt, and he would remain an innocent, law-abiding citizen, save for the fact that he possessed a few narcotics. And let’s face it: we sort of expect black performers to possess a few narcotics. It’s been the case since Satchmo, and Cosby represents his people when he admits it. Social justice warriors ESPECIALLY hold this prejudice, especially when they accuse lawmakers of racism because certain forms of cocaine which are known to be popular in urban ghettos are regulated more severely than the kind that affluent white people enjoy.

I should add that Cosby is a Cancer, and by that of course I mean the birth-sign, not the disease. Many women practice Western astrology, even for profit, and fairly universally they agree that water-signs are adept at reading people. Cosby’s wife would probably agree, being a Pisces herself. Even if Cosby was in some ways inhibited by lust, he certainly would have considered empathy a chivalrous ideal to strive towards, and if his intent was to be a true romantic, then he would have embraced his Cancer identity. Camille Cosby, who herself is a dead ringer for the fictionalized version that Bill created for her, insisted that her husband was the man that he had depicted on television, a fitting medium for a sign that is associated directly, and almost exclusively, with the Public. Cosby’s legacy rivals Robin Williams, (who ALSO talked a lot about doing recreational drugs that made him love people) and his legal issues are Kafkaesque in scope. (Both Williams and Kafka share the Sun sign, which is also said to rule the archetypal family.) Why then would people prey upon the well-meaning, trusting empath? That remains a question for the ages. Or just Whoopi Goldberg.


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