Monday, November 13, 2017


The simple act of using capital makes one guilty of the mortal offense that is PLEASURE AT THE EXPENSE OF AN OTHER, a dishonor that would in more civilized society have been punishable by death and the shaming of one’s family. For eons, this system, the invention of a Ruling Elite, was used to keep people enslaved in a sort of self-serving stupor; the entire existence of a Separate Self was fabricated to keep Human Beings from attaining the state of Liberation and Ecstasy only available via Boundary Dissolution. Religious Experiences, Sexuality, Artistry, Magic, and Drug Induced Mysticism are all evidence of this fact: that Man is Happiest when he is NOT HIMSELF, but rather an EXTENSION OF THE WHOLE.

I was one of the lucky ones. The truly disadvantaged members of Society prove to be the most staunch Capitalists. Is this because we have an uneducated working class? That is PART of the problem, though proper use of the Internet can help us there. The real reason: they are born in to slavery, taught to love it by exploiting their fellows, taught to hate their Liberators (insisting that Communism “does not work”, as they continue to kill themselves and one an other to make CAPITALISM “work” for an elite minority, evading poverty as a Pious Christian evades Hell), and this is the key thing: by being raised to be SELF-CENTERED, at their own expense, they tend to ACCEPT the selfishness of their “Elders and Betters”. So they agree to an entirely ILLUSORY debt to these people, paying off the existence that is the FAULT of their elders and betters, so that they are CONDITIONED TO BE SOCIOPATHS, operating at one an other’s expense with unconscious glee, from a YOUNG AGE, under the auspices of paying off an ILLUSORY DEBT.

Even as I write this some bloody old suburbanite barks “bad dog” at his dog all because the dog is trying to converse with the neighbouring canines.

PLEASURE AT THE EXPENSE OF AN OTHER is a violation of the most FUNDAMENTAL and UNIVERSAL of Human Moral Principles, which has been referred to as the Golden Rule, Ubuntu, and the Categorical Imperative. As Kant defines the Categorical Imperative:
1.     Treat all others as one would have them treat one’s self.
2.     NEVER use an other as a MEANS TOWARDS AN END. ALWAYS regard the other as an END IN AND OF HIMSELF.
3.     Do so that if all followed one’s example then the World would Prosper.
Of course, Immanuel Kant, not unlike Karl Marx, was a Taurus. So we know now that he is a Professional Idiot. But maybe that is just the German side of him.

-          KARL MARX.
-          IMMANUEL KANT.
-          WILLIAM JAMES.


Needless to say, I did not choose capitalism. Capitalism chose me. But I have managed to find a way to make it work for me, for otherwise I should have to work for IT: to use every penny that comes into my possession, either by payment or by theft (a purely semantic distinction, to my mind) towards the annihilation of those entities which CHOSE Capitalism: the Narcissists.


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