Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Let's Finish This: The Alpha Myth.

*And for all the Alphas in the Audience: The "Link" is that block of underlined, coloured text that you just, by some miracle, successfully read. You may read this Italic Text too. Italic means slanted.

1.     The only people who are fit to have power are those who do not want it. Seeking power without approval from other men is a violation of the Categorical Imperative, which is the most Universal of Human Values, transcending all distinctions of class, culture, race, ethnicity, and (with some cultish exceptions that brainwash its victims) creed. True Leadership is not sought after for personal gain but rather acquired in an emergency. Often, disloyalty within a group of Equals, as the result of some want-to-be Leader Taking Charge, creates the drama that a morally upright person must act in in order to TRULY protect other potential victims. This is manhood. One does not rush into conflict in a spirit of competition. One waits patiently for a sound opportunity to arise, because only by so doing can pain be prevented for the civilized woman. If an other violates this code, then that other is at fault. Confidence comes with Knowledge and Wisdom, not with Arrogance and Debilitating Parasitism. That is called Fascism, rather than Love. And no one wants that. Besides: most women who are attracted to that are only trying to seek Power for themselves. They do not WANT to be protected, but they are being manipulated subconsciously (as you confess, in your hidden, robotic voice) into the protection of someone who is using them. When this is brought to their attention by their TRUE protectors, who have now to contend with this dangerous narcissist, and who have Rational Cause to suspect the woman to be in danger, they lash out. Nothing can justify this tragedy. We must work against delusional scumbags in other ways. ESPECIALLY if they are off deflowering virgins that would rightfully have been ours, for we have neither the troubled track record nor that same history of “Success”. I am a virgin, and I am proud of this. I lost a woman I loved to suicide earlier this year because of these tendencies. She deserves Justice. People have to know. “Passive aggression” is simply righteous indignation with one’s civility and tact in tact. If you love someone, you deserve to be with that person. No loving man can reconcile aggression with passion. No Rational Man can put an other through that which he himself would not want to be put through. Besides: no one is DOOMED to be a “second choice”, clinically. If she cannot see you for who you are, even after having known you long enough to form a trusting (and morally sound) bond, then that’s on her. But help her to see that, because if she falls for this then she NEEDS protection. Whether she knows it or not. Where do you think that Ethics come from? EVERY one employs them, even the Alphas. They are simply hypocritical in doing so. And hypocrites will accuse you of hypocrisy. It’s what hypocrites do.
2.     Knowing what you want is impossible without knowing what OTHERS want. Man is a social animal who asserts only that which would serve the Common Good. Otherwise, you are just living the life of an infant, unaware of the world outside of yourself, dependent upon others for all good things that happen to you and unaware that this is so. Did I mention relying totally on self-serving instinct, devoid of Reason, Wisdom, Patience, or Reasonable Doubt? Yeah. I guess that I did. Women who are secure do not need a fake who clearly has trouble trusting others but can never bring himself to admit his weaknesses. You know what weaknesses are? They are the very REASON you RELATE to BEGIN with. They are the very GROUND for even ENTERING a Relationship: to GROW. Without honesty about our shortcomings we have nothing. Without pity there can be little hope of sympathy and true relationship. NOTHING is more attractive than a fellow human being in NEED. Nothing else could be justified; we all depend on someone else.
3.     PESSIMISM IS NOT A TURN-OFF. Often times we are fooled by appearances and only once we have dashed our own hopes in false promises can we actually proceed with an Inspired Confidence. What woman has not learned this, one way or an other? The happy ones who reach a wise age say: Be a gentleman. That does not mean making promises you cannot keep or claims without warrant. That is weak and pathetic. Be realistic, even if a bad situation renders realism as pessimism. And no: pessimism does not equate to a lack of confidence. I can be confident in myself, but to that same degree I have doubts about others. I am not in Control of the World. I cannot change them. So I brood. I once knew a girl about whom I was going to ask, on our second outing, if our relationship was a Platonic One. I chose to wait until our seventh one, because the conversation seemed to be going so well (that it would have been selfish and disruptive to ask, obviously). It turned out that she was manipulating me the entire time; she never hit me up again after I confessed my feelings, even going so far as to demand that I stop checking in on her about our previous appointments. Five months went to waste in hope. But I recover because my past experiences have made me TRULY Strong and Emotionally Mature. She told me that my melancholy was not a problem. If she lied, it’s still on her. And you know it. I was not pessimistic about HER. But now I know better. I owed her the benefit of the doubt earlier. Grand Plans are symptomatic of an excessive Will to Power, and Jung demonstrates that this is the shadow of the Loving Instinct, mutually exclusive with it. And we cannot all “be the Leader”. The best leaders go unnoticed. We all have the same core needs, and being in power affords you no special privilege in a Civil Society.
4.     The entire purpose of Reason is to MINIMIZE risk and to reduce Conflict. INITIATING conflict is immoral; it violates the Categorical Imperative. RESPONDING to Conflict is natural, but how often, honestly, do people who create a mess reward the man who cleans it up? Never; they are incapable of living Reasonably. The Early Days of Mankind are GONE. We have a neo-Palium now, and it is no lack of confidence to admit that one’s own is developed and integrated healthy into the larger Brain. We have to discuss any backwards refuse from our Tribal Heritage with our partners in a manner that is safe and sound, devoid of judgment, both conscious and unconscious. It’s how we grow, not only as Individuals, not exclusively as a Couple, but as a SPECIES. Parasitism and Dominance are the Old Paradigm. Justice and Friendship are the Future.
My Father was an Alpha. He beat me whenever I contradicted him. When I had a psychotic breakdown after my first ex (who still attempts to impress me, apparently) broke up with me, I was marginalized as the Maniac in the House. But I was never the danger. It was my Father who tended to be most violent, and I simply got the blame. Many years later, I have taught him not to rule by terror, but to live by Love. It took him fifty years. But he finally matured. And I have done my part to hold the Family Together this entire time. He might even begin to see this: that Other Families matter too, and we must all learn from them in order to create the most loving environment for our progeny. If we cannot do that, we do not deserve to procreate. We become the LAST reasonable choice, not the first. Even dogs are loyal, and they learn from others.
5.     This is just a sick joke. Without “followers”, there can BE no Leaders! The Leader has to provide for all his followers; Leaders Eat Last. SOME one has to do the actual work. When I played in a band with a sociopath, he insisted on being the Leader. I accommodated his insecurity, because that’s the pattern we all ways followed. I did not realize he would betray me for a woman I’d loved for an entire month. But she was delusional and desperate. She confessed it a year later. The irony? It was a TWO-MAN band. And he would not even agree to reform it, with HER as the Leader, even after he had FUCKED HER FIVE TIMES. This is Kafkaesque and Absurd. She would still probably be alive if any one had held that parasite responsible. Here’s the irony to end all ironies: It was I who remembered al our songs, both mine AND his. He was too zonked to even keep track of them all. Some best friend, right? Some “leader”. Now people want to work with him because apparently *I’m* hard to work with. Someone who attends every meeting he makes, remembers all the details, and ADAPTS. On the say-so of a traitor. People are pathetic.
6.     Rape rhetoric. Plain and simple. Did I mention that the aforementioned all so fucked her after giving her cocaine? Yeah. Your ideal is a rapist. So good luck with that. Women want a man who will listen to her wisdom in becoming a Better Person. It makes her feel Important and Respected. Not like a useless toy. All ways put Others first. They, by the very nature of being Others, know better.
7.     L.O.L. Every thing you just said DESTROYS communication and plays on backwards Illusions. True Communication involves:
a.      SUBMISSION to the Other’s Wants and Needs. If I do not want to talk about it, you owe it to me we don’t talk about it. If I do not approve of a certain term you use, you do not use it. You are nothing without your partner; the Other is the Goal, and any self-respecting Self can recognize the symptoms of a narcissist who does not respect that Self as an Other. The closest I myself ever came to suicidal ideation was under verbal abuse. No one wants to feel like a wall for you to direct your aggression and insecurity upon.
b.     FAIRNESS towards all beings involved. What we discuss will affect every one, strong or weak, large or small. Leaders eat last; followers eat first.
c.      SAFETY AND SECURITY. NOT conflict and risk.
d.     REALISM. Especially about situations that look unpromising.
e.     TRANSPARENCY. Especially about one’s own doubts and Human, all too Human fears.
Opinions are cheap. Values are arbitrary without approval by the Community.
Don’t give in to Peer Pressure. Hitler killed no one. His people did.
You are a follower by listening to this.
If you must follow, follow the Righteous Path.

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