Sunday, March 25, 2018



This one has me legitimately stumped. And as one last resort (in an age devoid of dream interpreters) I publish it:

I was visiting a Factory that specialized in the production of wax replicas of Jesus Christ. Whilst wandering along an indoor bridge upon the sixth floor of the warehouse, I was interrupted in my trek by a gray, alien figure with a halo of lurid blue. The Angelic Being informed me that the proprietor of this establishment had changed his sales strategy from the production of Imitation Christ to the production of wax sex toys. Yet his suppliers of “Product” had taken ill to this change of strategy, and knowing his unyielding nature they had decided to send him a faulty batch, exposing his entire operation to various Law Enforcement Agencies from Saturn who could detect the “faulty” chemicals from lightyears away.

It was at this moment that the Alien disguised himself. His halo transformed into bull’s horns and he was himself made bovine in stature. He spoke to me with the same voice as before, however, instructing me to take my leave of this place. I did so, only later wondering if I should tell my new friend that the sudden appearance of a Bull on a Bridge is nonetheless suspicious to human beings. But I took my chances that he knew that all ready.

Outside the factory, as the Sun was rising and the day fresh, I encountered an abandoned bicycle beside a White Van. I considered borrowing it. I asked two anonymous young men if it was theirs. They replied negatively and returned to their task at hand: admiring a scarecrow. This figure was stuffed with auburn straw, some of it jutting out of its chin, and its arms were rakes, its left one pointing down whereas its right one pointed up. One of my new friends explained that it had once been terrifying but that now it was comical. The other man said that scarecrows of this stature are so poorly built that any herd animal could tear it down if it saw red. I told them that it reminded me of Jesus. They replied that once it had been built to do that, but that then it was remade to emulate Heisenberg. I asked if they meant the Physicist or the Meth Lord. They replied that they were Uncertain, and that it all depended on how the Observer looked at it. I chuckled.

As I pedaled away, leaving the men to deride the figure further, I passed a sign overhead. It read “Imitatio Christi Industries”, yet a solitary woman was painting over the initial “I”. As I passed under the bridge, I did not doubt that soon there would be an entire overhaul, and that one way or an other “Imitatio Christi” would be no more, whether by the device of its mysterious Proprietor (who had probably commissioned the painter to paint over the old logo in preparation for a new Company Name) or by the workings of Saturn. I figured this much: that it was Saturn that had surely supplied the Product to begin with, because Saturn was Satan, and the scarecrow bore an unsettling resemblance to Baphomet. The Proprietor was merely being Used. His only escape, I realized, would be to cut his losses and to perhaps run off with what little Unused Product he still had. They might still be able to track him down. But if he puts it to good use beforehand, perhaps they won’t. So I mused as I drove towards the Horizon, free.


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