Friday, March 2, 2018

La Máscara del Diablo:

The Devil’s Mask:

The essential nature of evil is that it is ambivalent to human suffering. The agent of evil does not necessarily go out of its WAY to do harm; it simply allows harm to happen. Thus the hallmark of the Devil is neither aggression nor passion, but rather Apathy and Detachment. Evil brags of being remote from the consequences of its actions, and in its condemnation of those who must contend with it to set these matters right it is ruthless. Once it is met with its own ruthlessness in retaliation, it only mocks its victims by mirroring them. Hence the Devil is traditionally depicted as neither an aggressor (in the sense that political propaganda depicts opponents of its paradigm) nor a passionate and spited lover (as tends to be the media depiction of stalkers, rapists, and other people who are in romantic want). The Devil, in all known classics, is sly, and his slight is characterized by a CALCULATED apathy that misappropriates importance to things which are not intrinsically important. Hence: the Devil lives in the Details, and he is associated closely with pettiness, but not mere pettiness so much as one that makes matters of colossal consequence and import APPEAR petty. The righteous man is only calm when all is well; the Devil is calm, regardless. The nature of the trick is to persuade the docile mind that in fact good and evil are relative, by confining the distinction to a strictly personal view. But an Interpersonal View such as that which is provided by positive Religious Experience will demonstrate that in fact Harmony is a Moral Universal; any system in the Universe is either ALIGNED with God, or it is out of alignment. And all forms of pain are symptoms, even if they are necessary towards Godly ends, of misalignment. The aforementioned necessity itself draws its painful quality from the problem it aspires to resolve.


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