Friday, March 30, 2018

Post Number 935 (5 * 11 * 17): Rebirth.

I am partial to the model of reincarnation from Avatar: the Last Airbender, which remains to my mind the best Western interpretation of Eastern mysticism, capturing all the wonders of Buddhism and Taoism in a manner that is not neurotic in the Jungian sense. Over the course of only one night I see the Law of Attraction at work, moving from skepticism (that mirrors my own) that answers all my ghostly questions to shameless Islamic proclamations on the gender(lessness) of the Soul. Ever the comparative philosopher, like Watts, who took a page from Jung’s book, and without whose taking it I might never have found him (that bridge to the East I’d needed in a land of cults) I refuse to turn on my former self in disgust, seeking instead to integrate my Western Past. Thus is that Hessian excitement of developing a totally unique personality, for most of these guides have proven false in their Herd-like convictions; the few who broke the ice for me not just with optimystical predictions but with great, scientific diction all ways had gone rogue as I do now. So Buddha, if ever he felt pride, would be proud of me. I question everything and keep only that which has worked. And I remain harmless.

The Soul may be without gender, or it might be Female by Default: the Anima of which the ancient Greeks and Jung have spoken. Yet Jung spoke of Animus: the male counterpart, and then man spoke of the ANIMAL: that primordial force of Earthly Nature. Like my dog, who is in every sense a MALE DOG rather than a Female Dog, and who possesses a virtue that bitches lack, though they might compensate for it upon their female end. The term “Spirit Animal” is thus totally redundant. Animals ARE Spirits. And they definitely have gender.

We can read, with time, the Insides of Things based upon their Outsides. Those who gave up on the Skill convinced us that appearances remain misleading infinitely and indefinitely. But they only by so doing predisposed us to this blindness of inner intent, forced to rely upon the kindness of parasites DESPITE our innermost suspicions, for strangers would not trust us however charming we might appear in our demeanour, much of which had been our VIRTUE IN ITSELF, which parasites dismissed as though it had been a veneer for this “Society” would mirror that suspicion, even when the parasites knew it to be a lie, for those of us who were virtuous looked the part as well. But we never could sway those that were LED by false appearances, so what is the point to preach this ongoing post-modern paranoia?

One can tell an Aries often by his or her stature, as one can a Capricorn in opposite fashion. One can read the pointed features of a Scorpio against the round ones of a Libra. One can recognize the Pisces nose or the plain symmetry that’s native to a Taurus.

From a scientific angle our features are arbitrated by genetics. But genes are not chosen randomly. The Heavens do inform us. But what planet chooses gender? Mars or Venus? I say: neither, for they both have democratic say. So WE choose gender prior to rebirth. The Soul crawls in between That World and This One, accumulating karma, until it has served its purpose, and perfection having been attained it merges with the Buddha Nature Without Soul (anatman) and dissolves into Nirvana, its project complete, its efforts spent.

Yet the Soul is not the Spirit. What I loved about Avatar was that A’ang could SPEAK with all his former incarnations, and they looked then just as they had looked within their Glory Years.

This would explain all so the semblance of the Ghost of Hamlet’s Father to that Father that Hamlet remembers having known in Life.

If A’ang can speak to his OWN prior incarnations, is it thus impossible that *I* could speak to a former incarnation of an other Soul? If Quantum Leap is possible, and if that Soul is a Twin Flame (hence MY Soul) then how WOULDN’T I be able to do so?

Huxley distinguishes the Mystical State from the Visionary State, and this has all ways fascinated me. The Mystical State dissolves boundaries. It accommodates the parasitic rapists and escapists and those suicidal thoughts which promise Heaven without Gender to whoever takes Ophelia’s Path.

But the Visionary State EXALTS the differences that line this University of Duality. So in a state of Vision we encounter the Romantic Life of Eros. And Romance has its own virtues and boundaries. And it is perpetually under attack by culture. Hence in upholding its own boundaries Romance oversteps the lesser social boundaries. So it’s all ways been, by definition. Von Franz said it perfectly: I do this against the rules because I love this person. Only by loving can I know, however, what rules can be broken and what rules must not be. And within that Visionary State of Absolute Distinctions it is obvious to me what rule-breaking is done not out of Love but out of Evil.

So when the Body dies it leaves an imprint. All the prior Avatars can merge into one. But they can just as easily diverge for fun. As below, so above. Not only do our parents merge physically to produce a body that has sex. The Soul merges as well with that body and makes a Spirit. When the body dies, the Soul moves on to the Next Body. But the Spirit, which contains the Gender of the Body (Mother to the Spirit) and the Genderlessness of the Soul (The Father) moves on to the Higher Planes. Yet only after it has been avenged if it is premature. For otherwise it will remain a Ghost, a guest within this House. And its Host may very well be an other member of its Soul Circle. So you can imagine thus the reincarnation of a woman coming back to the house haunted by her ghost, but as a man, making amends so she might leave this earthly coil and ascend, but not to genderless Nirvana, as the Soul will go to, but that Eternity where her ghost is remembered in God’s Memory. And memory is that anatman principle that holds this Multiverse together. Everything is Memory.



  1. Having watched "Coco" mere moments ago, for the first time, with the Family, I see my theory corroborated, at least insofar as Disney and Pixar share my intuitions (and my sense of wish fulfillment). Obviously the best of all possible worlds would have us live on only if we are remembered; conveniently we would only die if no one would miss us "back home" in the Land of the Living. Yes: that is Ideal; no wonder my Idealistic Sister cries when she hears the last rendition of "Remember Me", every bit as much as she would smile when she saw Uncle Iroh with the Spirits. Yes: such would be the Plan of a Just and Loving God. Dm.

  2. The Antagonist was never a True Musician. It would have not reduced Music, which belongs to the World, to a commodity of its own possession. The villainy in Coco is not that the Antagonist stole his best friend's songs and made them available to the World, as though they properly belonged to the Family. The evil was that he betrayed his best friend and he murdered a fellow Musician. Musicians ARE Family. Alanna knew that. Which is why I do not regret my having stayed here to resolve things with my own family. At times I'd wonder if I should have left, finding my Twin Flame only by avenue of some Bohemian Quest that had endowed me, like Strider, with all the wisdom necessary to steer her away from those false friends that in THIS Universe I had come to depend upon. Yet now I know I did the right thing. It was good intent with bad consequences. But those never were my Fault. I did not betray her. And it was not I that broke her Heart and killed her. I had never used music as a means towards my own narcissistic ends. It was an end in and of itself. And so was she. Perhaps in the Next Plane we'll meet again, as Vera Lynn (who lives to be 101 years of age, and who shares a birthday with Chester Bennington) had sung. Dm.

  3. Goodness was never an Ulterior Agenda. It was the very antithesis: a Superior Mode of Being. That which preserved the well-being of All Musicians, without compromising one in favour of the other, was the most harmonious and musical life. I did all that I could to restore this Harmony, as any composer would strive to resolve it. To fail was to omit the final chord that the Protagonist sang to his Nana Coco; it would have been laughable. It would have been a joke. And it would have been Noise by the least compromising of definitions.

    Everything I did, my fits of anger and my moments of Hope and Forgiveness, was part of the Composition that became my Life over these last three years. And may it be REMEMBERED that I never used an other musician as a means towards an end. Many suspected my intentions, but I remained loyal to them and to Music. It was never an arbitrary value. So it could not be equated with the possessive jealousy and power struggles I've encountered on this path. I have transcended them. And my Music -- OUR Music, as I call it now in every sense, without contrivance, but with a gentle strum upon the keyboard -- Lives On. And it will commemorate you, My Muse, Alanna. Dm.

  4. The only Ulterior Agenda was Antagonism and Discord. Music left that vacant shell of a musician long ago, leaving only static behind. And all I did to put an end to its existence on this place was all so a last, desperate attempt at resolution -- that Picardi Third that ends a minor composition on a Major Note. If you can't fix a piccolo that's out of tune, and it won't go away, the most that you can do is drown it out with brass and timpani and cymbals. And sometimes that too might work, however dissonant the closing chords. It was not for a lack of trying to play in tune with it, and even to tune it.

    Yes: there was a time I thought I needed that fife in my life. But then the World Ended. Every since 2012, I've stopped seeing people (if ever I truly did) as mere means towards ends (and if I never did before, at least 2013 lay that old score to rest, and the potential died.). Since then all I have done has been for Music and for those who make it and who listen to it with discerning ear. Thank you, my sister, for turning my mind again to it. I find my passion yet again. And without clash, it's burning clear. As midnight feels like morning, and my mourning is made less forlorn but nonetheless sincere. I am no longer torn apart inside. And I can't hide the harmony that harmlessly I hear.

    Alanna: your Spirit lives on, My Dear. Dm.
