Friday, October 12, 2018


Early in my career in Oceanside, most probably after having returned from my first sick leave, and well after I had fallen in love with the Fair Fisher, I had a dream that alerted me that I was failing Dui Nguyen’s Video Game Programming class. The dream was set in what was all most unmistakably an Aquarium, and the record may still show that to be the case. This morning I came to the same realization, and by that I mean the same location. Going off the beaten course (let it be called the Curriculum) I overheard a group of Popular Kids (let them be called my recent coworkers, Front of House) speaking of an elite party in a Group Bubble Bath Tank. (or whatever its formal name had been.)

The remainder of the dream saw me descending the ranks, as it were, of the enormous Aquarium building, taking stairs and escalators and various conveyors of the like to find this seemingly mythic Bubble Bath. I had never heard or seen it before; somehow it had all ways evaded my gaze.

At some point within the main shopping area outside I passed Alexa Arenz. I thought that perhaps I could evade her recognition but then thought myself silly for hoping it, either because it was so futile or so fruitless of a motive, and upon some level I must have presumed that anything this difficult to do would not be expected of me, hence the point in trying would be lost alongside the point in succeeding.

She recognized me, and she smiled, not even awkwardly but listlessly. I guess I never made her list, either. She acted as though nothing had transpired between us, but she could not hide her urgency in disappearing.

For some reason, if you’re not expected to care for her, and if caring could be misconstrued as creepy, then you’re not expected to care when she vanishes.

11:50 A.M.


Day of Venus.

(Friday; Viernes/Vendredi.)


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