Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Parasitic Farmer: a Reprise.

Oh, I’m SURE that you work VERY hard. And when you don’t get the results you want, you’ve worked it out so you can BLAME someone for “not working hard enough”. You wouldn’t THANK that person for lending a helping hand, nor show some GRATITUDE for what LITTLE help you can get. People are expendable resources to you, worth less than the grain they PICK, and let’s face it: if you were all working towards a COMMON GOAL, it wouldn’t be so bad. But you don’t. MOST of your adherents would sooner get DRUNK than save a LIFE. So what’s so “good” about these people? You will treat them like they’re good so long as YOU get “good results”. Don’t think I don’t know who you are. You worked for the United States Military. You measure your success in how FEW people get MURDERED and how many people “pledge allegiance” to you. I could see it from the way you lay your cards out on the table, and the WONDER in your eye when you explained exactly how your system worked. You. Are. A. Fascist. The last Just War anybody fought was to defeat YOU. And a kid gets runs over in China, and you’re there, representing the Great United States, doing what? Nothing. Only blaming the Chinese, who probably think that you were the one who maimed him, and who do not dare to do an act of kindness underneath your sovereign gaze.


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