Monday, October 1, 2018


What I want should be your priority because I am a rational man, and as such it follows rationally that I am entitled to a rational outcome for all of my investments and a rational explanation for any shortcomings. Retaining a kinship with all my human fellows, I possess precisely the same needs as they do, and as such I will not tolerate exclusion under absurd auspices. Anyone who would contest this has disrespected me, and those who violate the trust I’ve placed in them must forego all of the fruits of that trust if they behaved out of such disrespect. Furthermore, they will only earn an opportunity to atone if they comply with my will as though their own infractions had never set back my rational plans. It is through no fault of the rational man that certain deviances of interest exist, and any slight against him can never be regarded as a victory in service to All Beings. As such, I retain no further personal shortcoming that would continue to bar me from inclusion in what has been called the Good Life. I release myself from all abusive claims against me and proceed to carry out my Rational Plan, one that can in no mind be confused for a self-interested agenda, for any theoretical self-interest on my part was only posited by agents of a very imminent and destructive self-interest on their own parts. So long as these agents fail to prove to me that they behaved out of mutual interest with mine, but rather abused my rational accommodations towards irrational ends, their accusations are totally devoid of meaning and can be called lies, not because a literal interpretation would be false, but rather because a figurative interpretation that misrepresents the facts, pretending towards just accusation, would be the only interpretation of these words that could pretend to justify the ongoing abuses.


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