Saturday, October 13, 2018


Walter White was in a Fugue State. Knowing his true identity, if not his whereabouts, I had nonetheless to lead an investigation into the absurd theory (which I was prone to discredit) that he was having an affair with the tall, blonde single Witch Next Door. We could not gain any easy access to her room, but in the process of investigation I must have met her. She greeted me in a robe with considerable enthusiasm. If I have to come to think of it, she was not blonde, but brunette. At some point I must have actually worked with her to break into Walt’s Secret Bedroom, or perhaps something to that effect. I had hoped she might lean in close to me in that brown robe; I’d not expected she would lounge upon the bed naked and ready when I turned around. I guess this WAS her room, after all; she seemed very much at home in it. And I made myself at home inside of her, as well.

Walt had to escape the room somehow. He had to use his crawlspace. His family was content to simply break through the door, which was all ready shoddy any way, so it collapsed overhead as they made their exit. He had been found, but his secret remained just that: secret.

I spent a long time crashing at Doctor Byrne’s Place. When mom and dad left town they left me with a rental car I could not legally drive but that I parked in Doctor Byrne’s garage. At some point, seeing how it had been parked, I must have wondered if it was my own garage. At any rate: it certainly was my own car. The dream played with the theme that possessions are simply evaluations of objects rather than relationships with the Primordial Thou that is ubiquitous In All Beings.

The time came one day to take my leave of Doctor Byrne; I could no longer weigh upon her hospitality. I’d overstayed my welcome; she did not have to tell me that verbally for me to get the message. A stay that began on a Thursday (incidentally: when I last had her class) ended I think upon a Tuesday. It was time to return home. I can imagine why; my first Programming Midterm this semester happens this Wednesday. I want to spend the weekend in My Comfort Zone: in Music. But if time has past to face the Music, it is time to face the Math. In the same manner as I had to leave the Coffeehouse and came back last night to the Game Store, affect must yield to logic in order for them to come into Balance.


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