Monday, July 20, 2015

Anarchy as Solution for Rape.

Anarchy as Solution for Rape.

The problem with all attempts to legally regulate rape is that they require that we use Reason, but really what prevents us all from sexual violence towards one an other (and this would have to extend to moral violence, even towards people who are sexually violent) is Intuition.
1.       Language does not have a stable meaning; Derrida demonstrated the ways in which its meanings can and are differed.
a.       The alternative to this view is Linguistic Fascism, which is metaphysically naive.
2.       Human promiscuity occurs on a spectrum.
a.       Multiple women (and apparently some men) attest to (favourable*) fantasies of sexually deviant behaviours that involve being surprised and even sexually assaulted.
                                                              i.      This is of course not at all an unrealistic allegation, however deplorably unrealistic a fantasy in our still sexually priggish culture.
                                                            ii.      I should remind that Maslow indicated that the healthy growth and development of an individual depends upon breaking out of one’s culture.
                                                          iii.      Our culture is in decline.
                                                           iv.      Our culture is not progressing. Progressivism is the delusion of a degenerate culture.
                                                             v.      Huxley agreed to Maslow’s ideal.
                                                           vi.      In so far as our culture is binding upon individuals it is destructive and morally reprehensible.
                                                         vii.      I as an individual by virtue of Fact do not need to provide a warrant for this fact.
                                                       viii.      [ By virtue of Fact VII, I do not need to provide a warrant for the tautology.
                                                           ix.      Most profound matters are reducable to Tautology, because exquisite ideas comprise systems that tend to be cyclical.
                                                             x.      Not all tautology is precise. ]
b.      *All though theoretically it is much too dualistic of me to specify this.
c.       That some women want to be caught unawares is evidence of a lingering hope for the Noble Savage to re-emerge as an ideal in our society.
                                                              i.      The Noble Savage is going extinct because of technological culture.
                                                            ii.      The Noble virtues of the Noble Savage:
1.       Capacity towards spontaneity.
a.       As social networking and law become intertwined it is exceptionally difficult to be spontaneous.
b.      Excessive defensiveness and self-conscious engender paranoia.
c.       One tends to hold others to the same Fascistic standards as one holds one’s self in order to justify one’s own cynicism.
d.      The self-conscious individual is a product of power structures. (Foucault.)
2.       Lack of dependency upon Reason. Greater trust of Intuition.
a.       This means a lesser dependency upon Directed Thought (language) and a greater sensitivity towards the world as it presents its self immediately (instinct and Non-directed or Visionary Thought).
b.      A greater appreciation for Nature, in the broadest sense, including the sense that one is an expression of one’s own environment.
c.       A lesser dependency upon the rules of others.
d.      A lesser tendency to USE symbols to rationalize behaviour which is intuitively cruel and self-serving.
3.       Lesser notion of “selfhood”.
a.       Greater empathy; chance to communicate non-verbally with all the Natural World as Thou, not It.
b.      Genuine Self as opposed to egoic self-conception as created by consumerist culture.
c.       Fun loving; tendency towards relatively harmless fun.
                                                          iii.      Individuals who want to be assaulted are in love with the intuitive danger that we left behind in our dying jungles. They are followers of Dionysus and visionaries who have not lost their touch with their animal natures. These are capable of genuine compassion. To them self-interest is non-existent, and their bodies have been made available for Life to make what use it wants of, not as property. They are the least objectified, for they refuse to objectify their selves. Their existence is purely subjective.
d.      The prevalence of sub-cultures such as Bondage and Sodomy and Rave are further evidence of this regressive habit.
                                                              i.      Of course, I use “regressive” favourably, and I use “favourably” without any derision.
                                                            ii.      Bondage and Sodomy takes the conservative approach, simulating these circumstances in exceptionally controlled circumstances.
                                                          iii.      Rave takes the more feminine approach, lending women authority on the dance-floor. Some of the most powerful women on the floor tend to want their partners to “just go for it” in approaching them and initiating physical contact.
e.      Our culture is becoming increasingly compassionate towards forms of sexual deviation.
                                                              i.      Were rape culture regarded as a culture with its own reciprocity, it would be accorded the dignity of the Homosexual Community, et al.
                                                            ii.      Currently, there is no place for these deviants to safely practice their preferences.
                                                          iii.      The imprisonment and worse the shaming of these deviants, in reckless and naive pursuit of partners, is akin to discrimination (structural violence) in the former case and hate crimes in the latter case.
                                                           iv.      These people are accorded Shadow projection as the scape-goats of our consent-normative, technological society.
                                                             v.      The worst violence tends to be towards people that we project our own repressed negativity upon, even when they have not done us or our loved ones DIRECT harm.
                                                           vi.      Of course as ALL WAYS the answer for why “rape culture” is leant a negative (and by negative I mean “unfavourable”, or derisive, connotation) is that we have FORGOTTEN THE FEMININE. People tend to imagine it, surely, to be patriarchal, but in fact men simply have to initiate contact in relationships of these sort. But WOMEN are in fact essential to this culture as participants full of regrettably unrequited longing in the status quo.
3.       Given how ambiguous rape truly is given all these variables, it is incredible that civilization even developed. In part I suppose that the Judeo-Christian ethic was a stepping stone towards the civilized state, but was a step up all so a step ahead, or are we climbing a ladder that is bending in on us?
4.       It is incredible that on the dance floor, in the bed-room, and just in general we manage to live in more or less harmony. Only our problem-solving mind over-looks this Glorious Harmony that does not change over time. (Watts.)
5.       We should work to cultivate awareness of this Harmony in the further development of our civilization. The Intuition is what tells us: I do not want to be violent. But it has been so debased that even people crusading against sexual violence, using the umbrella term “rape” indiscriminately and hate fully, use violence in their rhetoric, shouting “rape!” in order to silence all dissent. As though Silence were Dissent.
6.       Our vilification of Silence as Consent, et al, are all evidence of our dwindling Intuition and Empathy. I mean, this is obvious: We are constantly over-stepping boundaries that we cannot even imagine simply by the act of living. I can say just from my own experience that even doing Nothing can un-nerve people. If we are to survive ethnic tension, we must embrace what S. Kierkegaard said: All offense is a failure to comprehend the Paradox. Of course, this is in no way a form of Relativism that pardons genuinely selfish or violent behaviour. But it IS an attitude of recognizing Intent and Intentionality, Intuitively, out-side of and prior to any ideological consideration. At times, the Paradox DOES inform us in the form of negative feelings that compel our discretion. But that is not the same as an offence to our ego, except in the sense that our ego is subsumed by new information from the Self. (Jung.) The negativity here is authentic because it brings out a deeper aspect of the Self, rather than being just a reaction on the part of the ego to an Absurd situation.
This compels us as individuals in a collective to acknowledge that we cannot hide in Silence as though it made us perpetual victimhood. In the same way that we are morally obligated to SPEAK OUT against violence, we must be held responsible for our passive aggression, that kind people will tend to presume the best in the face of the Nothing, that Silence that unifies us all but that because it is FEMININE  it is repressed in our patriarchal society, and we must not be allowed to condemn people that we had miss-led with our silent non-verbals, an astute manipulative technique that debaters know because they often abuse the imagination by saying “I never said that” as though they were not OBLIGATED to speak out against oppression in the same way as it is the responsibility, in an environment where in people expect you to “just go for it”, one MUST use one’s ability to say “No” in order to ward off a silent suitor, for he (or she) too is acting out of an ethical obligation. After all, our responsibility is not only towards the self, with a lower-case “s”. Life demands that each day we do some thing frightening, slaying the dragons of “Thou Shalt”, and judging by our own ecstasy and rapture that we have fully lived and exposed our selves to Life in such a way that it would breed compassion and comprehension in our hearts.
Obviously, so long as there is no violent repression in a given circumstance, the ability to say “No”, to disconfirm, is not taken away. But with freedom comes responsibility. We must choose yet again either freedom or Fascism. Wittgenstein said, Of that which one cannot speak, one must remain silent. By the same token, of which one CAN speak, one MUST. One is never a victim so long as both the capacity to remain silent, as a way of communication, that very repressed feminine Nothingness that we so hate, and one’s masculine capacity to raise one’s voice, are intact. And if sexuality is ineffable, a true consummation of spiritual energies, then perhaps we ought NOT to feel obligated to objectify one another with words, forgetting our hidden spiritual kinship, which consumer capitalism in its neurotic competitiveness all ways tries (much too successfully) to hide.
7.        Most people have the Intuitive Empathy to know when they have harmed an other. Yet so long as we live too much in the world of law and symbols we lose this capacity, and we are capable time and again of incredible cruelty by rationalizing away our humanity with WORDS. So long as those Words are not their selves advocates for Silence, they are not Masculine, but Patriarchal by definition. And the conditioned ego caught in this web of power is over-whelmed and traumatized at the earliest instance. Maybe there is no such thing as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Salinger seemed to hate this habit of labeling psycho-analytically “neuroses”. Maybe he did NOT “have” some thing, but he simply saw more deeply into the Void – the Nothing, the Silent – than most of us. Is it unbelievable?


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