Sunday, July 5, 2015

Trial by Marriage. PART TWO.

It appears exceptionally peculiar that in a community where in the actual stressors betwixt the two genders is so stressed that the focus of marital life is up on the '(God-given)rights' of same-sex couples and not up the Responsibilities of heterosexual ones. Some how in the midst of all of this discussion the central factors are lost: One the one hand, the inherent ad-
vantages and virtues (as well as li-
abilities) of heterosexuality, and the importance that Responsibility plays in Freedom, and that Duty bears upon Right.

We diss-agree with the pro-
clamation that Marriage is a Universal Right. I might make the Claim that I have the right to be married to a certain woman,
but does that guarantee me this Fate? So long as she possesses and/
or is possessed by Free Will:
Not so.
But why shall I make that claim to have a right? What en-
titles me, after all? Clearly: It must be not only with in the realm of my Freedom and Poss-
ibility (the former an expression of Will and the latter of Instinct) but

it must be a Duty. To be ethically justified is to be ethically obligated,
for the border betwixt Desire and Need is illusory.

The advantages of Marriage as a responsibility betwixt a man and a woman rest in bridging the troubled, Hellish gap betwixt these two genders on planet Earth. THIS is the essence of the Duty and there by the Right; it is through this gauntlet that two must pass,
walking a-breast down the aisle towards this end less Trial, that society should feel oblig-

ated to acknowledge their partner-
ship publically. Raising children, man and woman indukt a new generation that will be immune in pre-
disposition from the neuroses and abuses of its pre-
decessor(s). Our progressive friends who be-wail the haunting spectres of rape culture, gender dis-crimination*, wage disparity, and spousal abuse should be thank full for the arrival-on-the-scene of a new breed of Ghost Busters.

*Not that dis-crimination is a patriarchal virtue; it is masculine. (Woodman.)

Now I have to ask you, ladies and gentlemen: which of you here are ready to make such a commit-
ment? Per chance that is like asking atribe of High School Students what they think of compulsory recognition of marriage license. It is much more taktfull to ask: Who hear
THINKS that there ARE people in this room who diss-
agree? To completely circum-
navigate the analogy:
Do you THINK that MOST AMERICANS are READY for such a Responsibility?


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