Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Bombing of Japan.(Have a nice rant.)

The Bombing of Japan.(Have a nice rant.)

I don't know why my family bothers to talk during the soccer game. I cannot stand it. It was precisely what I got into an argument with Zac Sarachman and his pal
Kolby about when they watched videos of BioShock Infinite. I asked: is there a way to look at some thing without describing it? That is the principle of Zen and according to A.W. Watts the central principle of difference betwixt Eastern society and Western society. My parents and especially my brilliant sister should remember this from my Taoist period when I would go for long periods of time without talking except for basic necessities. At that time it would not be unreasonable for me to presume that if they persisted in talking it was solely because they hated me. Why do they want to miss the entire game by describing it? This was why I failed science classes in high school and could never allow my self to become a reporter. It is just such a LI3! Description. Such a lie. My ex could never under stand these moods I would get in to but her lack of comprehension went over my head. I mean: why miss the WHOLE game by living in a phantasy? I try so desperately to see some symptom of that lingering Zen talent in the Japanese team. But I cannot see it! Is it not there? Or have my parents submerged it? Some scientists; they do not realise that THEY are the variable that needs to be controlled for the experiment to work. Ultimately science is a history of hypocrisy. With the very moment that one assigns one's fantasies as a description to raw existence one changes one of the variables. Hum. And they said science first knew sin when the United States bombed Japan. Now Japan is bombing. And do they not realise the tragedy of it?


The old gate.
A ball jumps in.

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