Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Do Not Hit Me;

I am a child. By definition I am entitled to what ever fruits society can pro-
vide for me. Every day my project is to subvert the norms of the past to resolve the crises of the present, fit to the best of my imagination and ability to my God-given,
Nature-inspired vision of a suitable future. The parents who deprive me of any re-
source in the actualisation and attainment of this are to be met only with scorn. I owe them no debt.

They owe their parents no debt.
The whole concept of an end-less lineage of debt is a totally trans-
parent tradition of bond-
age engineered by the hegemonic bastards that run this cruel machine that oppresses society. Only a fool would begin to parrot these Fascist maxims, and such a fool could not meet Truth with reason but with rage.
If my peer is denied by her parents access to a basic freedom, be it the inter-
net, a mode of conveyance, or

a material necessity, I must not hesitate to condemn those parents with swear-words. No loathing could be greater than that which I feel towards those entitled hypocrites who sit on their asses after a 'long day's work' for the establishment, hoarding the fruits of those actions that were they works of love they would have done for free. I am not fooled by their pre-
tense towards drudgery nor impressed with their stupidity. I am a child[;-]

I run the world. The steward that sits on my throne is capitalism.
And these bastards who sit on their hairy couches perpetuate His rule . What can they do to save the world from suffering and Absurdity?
Whilst they absorb the Fascist media I might have a Love Affair. A new design for the Infra-
structure of a city. A satori. I can become a yogi. Amonk. A priest. I could write the next great Novel. A film. A game.

The weight of the chuman <and non-human> worlds rests upon my shoulders and those of my peers.
And THEY call me entitled?
THEY call me ungratefull?
*THEY* interrupt my letters of love? *THEY* delete my Master Plans?
*THEY* deny me food? They deny me sex? They deny me every thing
That I must work to preserve for *MY* children? How could I raise children if to do so would be to become *THEM*?

Some thing is wrong here. The roles became reversed. The old are not supposed to work -- only to Help.
The young are not supposed to obey --
only TO *CREATE*.

And I am no longer fooled.


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