Saturday, July 4, 2015

Reduced to a Right: Why I am Opposed to the Federal Imposition of Gay Marriage. PART ONE.

Reduced to a Right: Why I am Opposed to the Federal Imposition of Gay Marriage.

That I am writing this should serve as evidence that in a mere five years I have come a long way from the typical left-
winger that I was in High School. According to the Political Compass Test, I am still a left-wing Libertarian (or ought I to say a Libertarian left-winger?),
landing dab in the middle of that quandrant with an other Russian man that I don’t recognise. For the most

part, I am just about two steps away from being a total Marxist Anarchist.

That being said, five years is a long time. It is long enough to see one’s adolescent Romantic illusions shattered. It is long enough to be involved in a corrosive friendship that ends in treachery. It is long enough to be fall into a deep, desperate, depraving and debilitating depression with only books on psychology to hold on to and lectures on philosophy to lend you a helping hand.

It was long enough, in short, to trace the neuroses of my life to a set of roots. I am no Freudian; that is, I do not blame my own parents for every thing. But that some of my so-called friends suffered un-
estimable challenges as the result of THEIR troubled home life, and many of them lacked the Natural Strength of character to surmount these goals, stares me immanently in the face and sways me more than the glances of any progressive crowd unified in their Romanticism like a Fascist up-

I am no less generous or altruistic than I was in High School. I am simply more mature. Quite apart from having become jaded and bigoted – having ‘gone over to the Dark side,’ so to speak – I have become an even more tireless idealist. Before, my idealism had sprouted from entitlement; I EXPECTED the world to be fair and condemned the hate full bigots that just ‘did not get it’.
Sure: You can get married.
And I’ll get married. And we’ll all find the loves of our lives,

for God (though I was an agnostic then) wants us to be Happy, and men aren’t going to fuck this up for us, and we’ll all go to the beach and have a bon-fire. It was easy because I did not need to Think about it. I could just FEEL it.


Who Gave Me the Right?
Having spent enough time about young, unread progressives, the word ‘right’ begins to sound like ‘the bones of a freedom once the Federal State has picked your Individual and State Freedoms clean.’ How this pertains to a Federal Man-date that subverts the religious stubborness and jihad (in the classic sense) of the States needs no elaboration. What is PARTICULARLY interesting is that it explains the classic progressive slur:

Who gave you the right? On the one hand, it reflects the brilliance of left-wing intellectualism; of course, one is not BORN with rights, and one must be Given them. On the other, it is an Orwellian testament to the totalitarianism of progressives:
WE give you your rights. If we are Believers, we speak for God in that He would not allow you to protest against us.
If we are Heretics, we can attest with Certainty that He is absent, and so You depend upon Us.

The reason that Marriage has been Reduced to a Right is that ‘rights’ are cheap. The word ‘right’ has lost its initial meaning, having become ‘a privilege re-enforced by authority.’
I may possess the Right to date my best friend’s girl covertly, my parents may possess the Right to evict me from their home, and if my behaviour is deemed eccentric by the community (which might pretend towards liberalism but cannot (under)stand a

true minority of one without the knee-jerk to oppress him) the Mental Health establishment may have the Right to take, as though in a game of Mono-
poly, (a game I incide-
ntally deplore) to take may of MY rights away.
But would any of these agents be Right in doing so? No. I do not think so.
What this recent legislation is an embarrassing revelation of what Alasdair MacYntire called the growing Emotivism of our present society. (if you will

pardon the careless, callous merger of the present and past tense.) Little thought is given to whether or not I Should use Google to get my information, though an exceptionally Clever case CAN be made against it. Rather, the United Nations, a conglom-
eration of politicians that are ungood by their own admission, (this has been the case since before Talleyrand I’m sure),
declare: The Internet is a

Basic Human Right! and so the youth proudly consume what ever comes up in the first three page results under every popular query, heed-
less of the literally atrocious fallacy of Mass-Mindedness and irresponsibility that they are volitionally sub-
ordinating their intelligences to.

Again, we are becoming emotivists. The question is no longer: Am I RIGHT to get married? Theologists would have posited that in terms of Divine Will and Secularists

In terms of Ethical Reason,
and which of the two is more meticulous may never be deter-
mined. NOW however the question is: Well is EVERY body doing it? Then it MUST be right! And if it MUST be right, then it must BE a right! And that means:
If I am excluded, I am wronged! So it is WRONG to deny me this *RIGHT*!

Wrong. And the Appeal to the Many is not only a fallacy but a Symptom Of Fascism.


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