Monday, July 6, 2015

Sylver Lyning Part Two.

Just because I still care about your Life. He can do what he wants with his. But there is Potential in You that were I to pretend it had been projected I would have to admit to having wasted five months of my life. And that is too great an affront to my Heart's Validity.

So here's some wisdom:

We often fear our own mortality. Raphael did for some time. What's the point if every one dies?
Well, not every one. And this is not a cock and bull immortality story. The Truth: people will live on after you die. They will endure after your own private Universe caves in. Don't you realise it?; our egalitarian education compells us to see every one as equal. We over look there fore the subtle differences that WERE we to truly prize them we should See that each of us is God and Centre of one's own private Universe. And what forces unites this multiverse of people is a deeper and may be less human mystery.
The point: begin to plan for what you leave behind. For if your plan for dealing with death is that of acting as though life and the future had no special merit, then I hate to tell you but when that wave comes you won't be ready for it. What leant me that authority? What leant you the authority to deny it? I see older folks who were cruel and miserly shake before that tide.
But you will not dive under it. You will Ride it. YOU shall conquer it. I know it. I have seen and guaged the frail hearts. But they could never make me suffer as you have. And I suffered for YOU. Now THAT is Love. Not to be happy for an other person. But to be miserable, especially knowing that she will die and in the mean time she wastes her time on the weak. But you will make the most of this time you have spent. You are not weak. You are NOT.
If I deserve no credit for having made you happy, then I cannot be charged with either your misery nor blamed for mine own.
But this is not about me.
It is about you.
You have some thing in-
Dispensable to render to the world.
*I* can sense it. YOU can sense it.
And THAT will, if you do not wait too long, endure beyond your Death.
And if the Death of one person is the Death of a Universe, then do not enter-
tain the illusion that we all die in the end and that as Prince Hamlet intuited it all ends in dust as the ambivalent Universe swallows its self.
YOU are that Universe. And it us YOU that shall choose either ambivalence or Glory.
And if the fruits of your labours are enjoyed by your progeny, then can they be said to be temporary?
Fear not. They will not live on merely until the End of the Universe. They shall sur-Pass it!

My prayer is that this re-
Solves your Cognitive Dissonance
a tad.


Sent from my iPhone

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