Friday, July 3, 2015

There is No Such Thing as White Privilege.

There is no such thing as White Privilege.

1. Whiteness is arbitrary, individually subjective, illusory (in so far as it is regarded as the opposite of blackness) and it occurs on a spectrum with all other racial distinctions.
2. The distinction of people into racial categories is immoral. Drawing attention in passing to a person's racial label is permissible as a joke, but that is only because the individual arbitrariness of the label establishes camaraderie betwixt the labeler and the labeled.
3. All such labels are used to describe a relationship betwixt a labeler and a labeled. This was what Foucault posited about Signs, Signifiers, and the Signified.
4. Privilege is illusory and subjective. Its most popular definition reflects the prejudices of a capitalist culture. This creates the illusion that most people have these prejudices. Yet only mad radicals actually follow these values to their rational conclusion. As Jung said: the Neurotic is just the intensified form of the average man.
5. Because privilege is all so arbitrary it is not an objective quality.
6. Symbols refer to other symbols; their relationship to the WORLD is more nebulous than mere symbols can describe. Hence a reliance upon non-symbolic and non-verbal forms of reasoning, which usually occurs beneath the threshold of consciousness, is necessary to the preservation of the dignity of human nature.
7. It is incidentally for this reason (#6) that we shall never condone such Fascist slogans as "silence is not consent", for it reflects not only the naiivete of people whose love never transcended the slavish dependency upon words, but it all so re-enforces the masculinist phallogocentric prejudices running through the western psyche. Without acknowledging the value of non-symbolic immediate experience, we are lost, and to the degree that symbols shape us, we are sheep to the Fascist Media that uses them to herd us.
8. The goal of the media has all ways been to divide and conquer. This is known particularly to immigrants from countries with more blatant histories of totalitarian oppression. All distinctions made reference to in the media are bureaucratic. Even in dealing with some thing as ubiquitous as gender they manage to reduce it to a set of vital and social functions (much as the faux "social justice movement" that populates college, proto-Fascist "gender studies" class rooms.), which as Gabriel Marcel attested is a distinctly modern reduction of the human being to some thing less than his true self.
9. There is no evidence for the existence of Privilege in the physical world. Oops! I'm sorry. Check my privilege? But my good man. I seem to have miss-placed it. Per chance I left it back home with Racism, Sexism, Patriarchy, Rape Culture, Monetary Value, and EVERY OTHER THING that DOES NOT EXIST.
10. We have no patience for a person that looks at a set of statistics and refers to it as a measuring stick for his own success, but really the lack there of. A genuine go-getter is too busy and fixated upon the Actual Conditions of his Life to bother with what some news caster he has never met says. Only a failure blames the world, presuming all of his superiors to be morally corrupt in what Nietzsche would call Resentiment.
11. We are totally unjustified in presuming the everyman to be corrupt. You do not walk up to strangers and accuse them of having an irrational prejudice without looking like a total fool with three fingers pointing back at him for each one that he points.
12. My parents came to this country when I was four in basically flight from the crumbling Totalitarian Soviet Union. If they had any special help it was by virtue of the Kindness of their Friends, Not the madness of their employers. And what made these privileges special, like any friendship, was that they did not share these specific circumstances, in these exquisitely intricate life situations, with any other people. I have heard it said that only a fool denies the existence of racism. There is absolutely no such thing as racism. Only a total fool would presume that by some physical semblance my parents had an actual kinship with people whose lives some how miraculously, as though by a Jungian synchronicity, lined up to mirror my family's own fortunes and set-backs.
13. Racism does not exist. There can be no evidence for it. Absolutely none. The problem is not the existence of an external phenomenon but the PRESUMPTION that such a phenomenon exists. No empirical evidence can be found for it because it is literally any one's guess what any individual's racial category is. Only a fool would claim objectivity in such a manner and then presume that all the world agrees in his delusion.
14. I do not self-identify as white except by way of a joke. I am a Jewish-Russian American Immigrant. I am a human being. Black lives don't matter. All lives matter. That I am of Judeic lineage does not pre-dispose me to justify the killings of Palestinians on the Gaza Strip, which, incidentally, becomes a lot less tolerable when one simply thinks of the sheer NUMBER of the death toll and not the CATEGORY of the dying.
15. Most of these memes are used to stir up hostility for no reason amidst people that had they not been informed of the 'truth' they would have no extra-ordinary complaints that are atypical of just the human condition. Every one struggles, and you are no exception. If you want to REALLY know about the oppressive power structures in this country, here's a hint: The government is not going to tell you! The media is not going to tell you! You actually have to up and TALK to people out side of your comfort zone. Even some thing as banal as cat-calling COULD potentially initiate a conversation, and it is more ethically imperative than any thing else. If all you do all day is spend time on the internet calling other people phonies, accusing them of possessing 'privilege' because they do not have as much TIME to do that as you do, then may be you should check your OWN privilege and go out side. To quote the film American History X: Life is too short to be pissed off ALL the time.


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